It was with sadness that I read today that Elizabeth Taylor had passed away.
To me, I remember her being a young, vibrant Style icon who exuded classic style. She certainly had ”something about her”, didn’t she? You didn’t have to like her or agree with the way that she lived her life, but she absolutely lived HER life, in the way that SHE wanted to!
If you have been to any of my workshops or Style days or even worked with me 1:1, you will know that something that I talk passionately about is being certain in yourself and to walk with certainty. This is a wonderful example of someone who was comfortable in her own skin. Even when she was ill and in a wheel chair at an event, she still exuded certainty and style.
My youngest memory of Elizabeth Taylor, was watching her in National Velvet. I also rode horses, so I liked to think that I could be just like her.
Most of all, I believe that it’s important to be be happy in what you are doing with your life. Life is too short to be unhappy and to ”settle” for things that just don”t fulfill you.
Have a wonderful day!
Do whatever it is that you need to do to live a life that is fulfilled.