Misfits, Rebels & Rule Breakers Unite

Have you ever got to the point where you thought you’d rather than die than have to do something that didn’t feel like it was ‘you’?
Have you ever felt ‘wrong’ somehow?
‘Special’? (Different or unuooooshual <- said in my head in best Kath and Kim voice!!)
Have you ever felt like people just don’t ‘get you’.. well, the ‘normal’ people, anyway?
Like a misfit?
Like a weirdo?
Like you ‘should’ somehow be like everyone else… but despite your best efforts, you just couldn’t (and wouldn’t) assimilate?
Have you ever notice how when you take an animal to the vet, when they come back home, the other animals hate on that poor animal like they’ve done something wrong – or like they were never ever even part of the family? Even though they were in the saem house, like literally 48 hours earlier?
It’s the smell. They smell funny to the other animals.
And I guess, this is why, no matter how hard we try (I’m not suggesting you smell, by the way!!!!), no matter how much we try to blend, bend and fit in, we just won’t.
Wanna know why?
I’m going to tell you.
It’s because you ARE different on completely different level to ‘them’.
You have always wanted more.
You’ve always yearned for more.
You’ve always been driven.
The thought of ever going back and getting a JOB is enough to send you to the loony bin!
So here’s the thing.
The thing that you’ve missed, is finding your tribe.
Finding the other people out there who are more like you than the norms.
The norms of the world are happy to tick the boxes.
They’re happy to fit into the 9 dots.
They’re happy to plod along.
But not you .
You want it all, right? BUT YES, In YOUR way. Not my way. Not anybody elses way… your way.
You need to find your people, and I have an inkling that if this is resonating with you so far, then maybe you have…..
You fucking DESERVE to be the hero in your story.
You deserve to have it all.
You deserve to make all the money.
To do all the things.
To give to charities. Hells! To create charities if you feel like that’s what you’re here to do.
The other piece to all of this, is that the internet will tell you it’s ‘easy’ to make $1M. They’ll tell you all you need is a Facebook ad. A clickfunnels. A CRM. Some SEO. A google bot. A lead box. You HAVE to write a book. You must simply go to networking events. You only need to know 3 people who know 3 people and nekkminnit you’ll be rolling in the cashola. (To be fair, some of these things are great to have it makes your life easier. But they are all NOT necessary. And they’re appropriate to perhaps invest in at different times in your business)
It’s not ‘easy’ but it IS SIMPLE, if you let it be.
There are many out there who will tell you that it’s complicated.
That you need all the moving parts.
That this button needs to go here and if they open it, then this happens and if they don’t, then this happens, and if neither of those things happen, then you’ll just do these 2524938720384957 things to make sure they buy. And not to mention needing to be on ALL of the platforms, all of the time, asking to do collaborations, posting content – original content – on each one. Doing endless hours of work and sweat and toil.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe in hard work where it’s appropriate but I DO NOT think we need to do all of the things in all of the places with all of the systems that require all of the money.
It doesn’t need to work like that.
I mean, YES, that CAN work and SOME people make it work… but to me, it’s a whole lot of unnecessary NOISE that you simply and honestly do not freaking need until you’ve got a team who will do that shizzle for you – IF you even feel at the time that this is even necessary.
Every. Single. Thing. Always. Starts. And. Ends. With. You.
However, this is going to take some commitment on your part.
And you DECIDING to be REBEL for a change and do things a little differently.
It means that you’re going to need to step up and put on your sassy pants and share YOU with the world.
Are you prepared to do that?
The ‘secret’ to actually being successful online is more about YOU BEING YOU in everything that you’re doing rather than trying to do what everyone else is doing.
Do you think Queen would’ve been as successful as they were if they’d followed the ‘feedback’ as it was portrayed in Bohemian Rhapsody?
“I won’t be a rock star. I will be a legend.” ~ Freddie Mercury
Do you think ACDC would have been world renowned if they followed the ‘trends’ of the era. Worried about how other people played the guitar?
“Actually, because I’m so small, when I strike an open A chord I get physically thrown to the left, and when I play an open G chord I go right. That’s how hard I play, and that’s how a lot of my stage act has come about. I just go where the guitar takes me.”~ Angus Young
Do you think the any of them worried about what the other music artists were doing?
They decided to take a stand and rebel against the status quo.
They decided to take a stand against ‘normal’.
They decided to take a stand for their audience and stay TRUE TO WHO THEY WERE and their message that they wanted to deliver through their music.
And there you have it!
The best way to STAND OUT is to do things differently, and that can feel a little intimidating at different times, particularly when that means putting YOU out there.
Are you ready? Are you willing? Are you ABLE?
Come and join me in my ‘Rebel With A Cause’ 7 day program, where we are going to deep dive into how to showcase YOU online.
We’ll be going through :
* Positioning online
* What Platforms to be on
* How to connect with your REBEL ALLIANCE (audience) online
* How to craft your message
* Develop endless content ideas
* How to do Facebook LIVE’s
* Making money from your online efforts
* How to build relationships online
But most importantly, I believe, it’s about preparing you to share YOURSELF with the world and then doing it.
It’s about you putting this stuff out there, so that you can connect with your audience – your IDEAL audience.
It’s about YOU finding your fellow group of CRAZIES, MISFITS AND REBELS who you are going to LURVE the shit out of working with.
And they’ll love working with you.
Every. Damn. One. Of. You.
Let’s Roll,