Some might some I’m somewhat delusional – perhaps you’ve been called it, too.
I like to live in my bliss bubble, rolling around the place (literally in the physical world as well as the interwebs and the universe), vomiting my happiness and Joie de vivre over all the unsuspecting and suspecting humans who come into contact with me in one way shape or form.
I do believe, wholeheartedly, every single day, that I will ‘get there’. That I will be a self-made multi-millionaire sooner rather than later. That I am getting younger. That I will not age in the same way as the masses accept. That my clients will be and are AMAZING and do the work and have fun doing it and become friends and people that I actually LOVE to spend time with.
- I believe that we can heal our traumas.
- I believe we can make money from our passion
- I believe the best way of marketing ourselves, is exactly by being ourselves.
- I believe that what you put in comes out.
- I believe that the stuff that triggers us is designed to show us where the next growth layer is, the next hurt to heal, the next layer to clear.
- I believe that we are infinite beings that are we are so damn full of potential that sometimes it scares us more than the idea of failing.
- I believe that you are worthy. I believe that I am worthy. I believe that we are all deserving of living the best lives that we can – whatever that looks like for you.
- I believe that people love me for who I am and who I am becoming – not who they think I ‘should’ be.
So yeah, maybe I am delusional. Delusional to think that some random person living in the middle of nowhere can impact 10’s of thousands of people every week, yet, it happens!!!
I am playing with energy at the moment and toying with different instant manifestations, which is fun. Again, some might say delusional. Gosh, if we’d had this conversation in previous centuries, we’d have been burned at the stake.
I understand how it works. I clear any and all blockages to these things coming through, yet, sometimes I am literally confused when, 5 minutes after doing the manifestation, things don’t necessarily show up the way I expect that they will.
Have you ever felt like that?
Like you’d made a decision that “This is how it’s going to be” and you feel it in your bones, in your soul, in your spirit and in your energy and then something comes around and things aren’t how you FELT they were?
Again. Maybe I’m a little delusional.
I’m literally right now playing around with the beliefs and things that I CHOOSE to be true for me – they might be different for you
I’ve talked a lot in the past about the momentum curve and the power of being consistent, and how there comes a time when everything seems to click into place and you start seeing results. Sometimes that curve builds super fast and other times painstakingly slow.
Your ‘job’ at this point is to trust that your actions are bringing forth the results that you want.
That what you’re doing, is exactly what you need to be doing and should be doing.
That you trust in yourself and your own efforts to make all of this happen and come to fruition.
That you’ve got this.
We all need to be ‘delusional’ by the measuring stick of the ‘normal’ or the ‘muggles’ or the ‘not-awakers’…
I’d much rather live daily in my blissful bubble of Joie de vivre spreading my enthusiasm for life, purpose and joy all over anyone who comes into contact with me!
What about you?
Are you looking to find a way to be like this, too?
If you’re READY, like so freaking ready…
If you’re hungry – like starving marvin ready to eat their own arm at dinner time….
If you are FREAKING PUMPED for the mission that you’re on and the vision that you have and the work that you are here to do,
Then join me for my RWAC program starting on Monday 28th of January 2019.
We are going to go through how the ‘crazies’ the ‘delusional’ people who KNOW that they can be, do and have it ALLLLLLLL – all the while, being THEMSELVES, sharing their message, doing their thing, putting out ALIGNED content that feels fucking amazing…
Over the course of 7 days of awesomeness with the ultimate rebel.
Let’s do it YOUR way
We’ll be going through :
* Positioning online
* What Platforms to be on
* How to connect with your REBEL ALLIANCE (audience) online
* How to craft your message
* Develop endless content ideas
* How to do Facebook LIVE’s
* Making money from your online efforts
* How to build relationships online
Join me, baby.
Let’s make this happen.