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The 2000ft+ Business Lesson

This morning I was up at 4.30am after a toss-a-and-turning-filled-nights-sleep so we could go hot air ballooning.

I bought this experience for my husband for his birthday at the end of November last year and we honestly hadn’t thought too much about the mechanics of hot air ballooning, how it worked or anything like that.

We aren’t nervous of heights. We aren’t scared of adrenalin – we LOVE it!!!! So were EXCITED, amped and ready to roll

However, I had an night filled with anxiety about not waking up on time or in tie enough to get to the transportation that we were required to meet at 5am sharp this morning. Cue: tossing and turning. #nothappy

Anyway. Bright, sparkly and coffee in hand (thank god for forward thinking Nicola!!!), we went on down to meet the vehicles and we were off.

Fast forward to the balloon ride itself. We had a flight time of one hour, which we didn’t think was particularly long, but anyhoo. Up we went.

For me once the thrill of the soft and gentle take off wore off and we were overlooking rows and rows and paddocks and acres of vines, vines and more vines….

{Please forgive me if this sounds obtuse}

I was bored. Don’t throw the maltesers at me. I’m sorry. But it’s true.

There are only so many vineyards that one can look at before they all blend into the same greenness. Dom loves them – he lives eats and breathes grapes and has done since he was about 9 years old after growing up with his father who has developed and grown tablegrapes since the 70’s)… anyway… poor Dom, chatting with me about things grape vines, irrigation, lack of water or too much water… I was B.O.R.E.D.

So then I kind of went internal for a bit, gazed blankly over the many many many many many many many vines… and then, something happened!

With a whoosh there was A LOT of hot air pumped into the balloon and up up up we went. Through some clouds and the pilot said that this rarely is necessary or happens… and up we went.

Up above the clouds to sit in the blue that resides above it.

Gosh. What a view to have in a hot air balloon – even though this is the ‘norm’ in a plane….

So we floated around there for a while and it felt magical and special and different and oh so calm and surreal.

The shadow of the balloon on the cloud below was encased in a 360degree rainbow – didn’t even know that this was possible

And yet, there it was.

The other most amazing thing, is the SMELL OF CLOUDS.

Did you know that clouds have a smell? They don’t smell like rain or snow or like anything I’ve ever smelled before. It was bizarre and amazing.

As we kind of hovered above the clouds there, there was another cloud that came across and encompassed us, like we were in a void.

Now, THAT was weird. Thick. Foggy. Not wet even a little bit. Smelling divine. For a good few minutes. We just sat there and waited for it to pass us.

It was magical. Purely magical.

So of course, we got some photos because #socialproof!!!!!!

But what I thought was kind of cool about this, was the kick in the ass reminder for MYSELF that I’m going to share with you.

New programs, new mentors, new learnings, new strategies and new tactics can give us that ‘lift’ that adrenalin hit and the rush of newness….

But the newness eventually wears off.


The ‘new view’ can become ordinary. Sometimes boring.

And inevitably we disengage.

This is what happened to me today, in that balloon.

Now, I wasn’t about to ‘jump ship’ and throw myself out of the basket because nature wasn’t putting on a good enough show for Nicola. No sireebob.

It happens all the time, though.

In business, our job is to get through the bit AFTER the new learning, the new lessons and the tactics are implemented and keep going, even when it feels boring!!!!

You’ve got to keep doing the work.


You’ve got to keep going.

Because that’s where the magic is…

And then suddenly it can all turn on a dime and WHAM!!!! Magic happens.

Results happen

Excitement kicks back in.

And the passion returns.

With my Rebel With A Cause 7 day immersion, my clients are going to get the excitement, the adrenalin, the energy and the way to create AMAZING content from what might seem ‘ordinary’ or ‘mundane’ or ‘pedestrian’ and turn it into STRONG messages that tie in with THEM, their offer, their beliefs, their communities and their HEARTS.

And it will work. And it’s fucking brilliant (everything I create is, naturally!!!!!).

BUT, there may come a time when they’ll get bored with the constant implementation that will be required. Honest to god’s truth right there.

However, when they stay the course and they keep going they will find that the passion returns FASTER when they keep on going, rather than throwing themselves head first out of the balloon because the view got boring.

If you need an injection of inspiration, adrenalin and joy along with a healthy dose of strategy in order to get your message out there into the world… join me for Rebel with a Cause here.

We start Monday.

Let’s Roll,
