I was not put on earth to clean toilets
How are you letting yourself down by putting up with things you probably shouldn’t be in your business and your life?
I had this massive realisation this week just passed, where I realised that I’ve been putting up with my computer not behaving the way that it should for MONTHS!!
The battery doesn’t last. It turns itself off for no apparent reason.
And, I’ve been putting off buying a new one because this one doesn’t always piss me off! ß while writing this I’m laughing by the way! It is literally as ridiculous as it sounds.
And my phone. Fark me. Similar thing. I’ve recently had the battery replaced because I thought the phone was fine
Then the speaker stopped working properly and apparently has a stupid fan noise in the background of videos I do.
Then it sometimes turns itself off.
So while I was away in Bali last week, we were asked what we might have been putting up with that is not serving us.
It took me a while to work through the different areas in my life. My relationships are pretty great right now.Friends are great. My health is pretty much on track although I would be VERY happy to have the cellulite be GONE and my abs popping out more… I’m doing the work on making this become an eventuaolity though
And my business. I was like, ok. What in my business isn’t serving me. I was looking at my clients who are all amazing and I don’t want any of them gone! My programs are great. My offers are great.
So I started looking at the PRACTICAL things.
My office is great. My walls are great except I want some new art in my house.
And then BAM!!
The realisation of my computer and phone and how angry they make me!!!!
NOT HELPFUL when I spend hours on them each and every day.
As soon as I realised this I was onto actioning the ugrades.
Phone is ordered and sorted.
My computer is ordered and on it’s way.
Things are going to be fine!! Hahhahaa!!!
So here’s the thing, because there are actually a few other areas that are letting down the side.
Like cleaning my house. It is totally ridiculous that I clean my own house! Yes, I’m saying that because it IS ridiculous!!!!
Think about it: If you are what you say you are:
A creator
An alchemist
A dreamer
A builder
A coach
A mentor
A trainer
A transformer
A conductor of magic
A conductor of transformation
If you think about it, if you are CLEANING then you are spending your time NOT creating, alchemizing, dreaming, painting the world with your words and your art.
This was also brought up last week.
Think about artists who paint and draw or sketch. A ‘traditional’ artist
They need, not just require, but NEED space and air and light like oxygen if they want to create their art.
What would happen if you shifted YOUR thinking around YOUR marketing, which is your art, your work, which is your art, your livestreams, yes, you got it! Your art…
You need to be able to create the environment and clean space for you to be able to do this!
So cleaning…. If you are a multi-million dollar artist… are you doing your own cleaning? Scrubbing the rings off the bath? Cleaning your toilet?
Wiping out the cupboards?
I’d say not.
So what CAN you do right now in order to create more space for you to be able to work YOUR MAGIC?
Magic doesn’t created in dark places.
Magic doesn’t get created in the madness of cleaning!!!
Magic gets created when there is space for it to grow and expand and cultivate.
Like building up colour on canvas.
My laptop is the literal conduit for my magic to be shared.
And if that laptop is congested by old programming, old operating systems, old technology (that was FINE back in the day)…. Then that is going to sow down the unleashment that needs to be done with the magical alchemy that gets created by me doing what I do.
My phone is the same.
If that shizzle is bending my sizzle, then that is NOT GOOD!!!!!
Beliefs are the same.
Old programming in your head is the same.
The things you allow yourself to say to yourself.
How is your old operating system in your own head holding you back from being the best freaking version of you that unleashes oneself to the world every single day?
We’re kicking off with this in our 1:1 work that we’ll start on Monday 4th of March where we’ll be working together daily for 3 months.
Probably crying.
You’ll be happier.
You’ll be getting results.
You’ll be healthier.
You’ll feel sexier.
You’ll BE sassier.
You will be stepping more and more into the upgraded version of you.
You deserve it.
Register here to find out more, to chat about where you’re at and where you want to be. If you’re FUCK YES, Nicola, I need to freaking do this, then we’ll take it from there. And if you’re not, that’s totally cool too. We’ve GOT to be aligned. We’ve got to get along. We’re going to become friends, because that’s what happens!!! (For instance, my clients were invited to my husbands and my joint 40th party last month!!
This is just what happens. Clients become friends. Friends become clients. Why on earth would you want it any other way????