I was talking with a client last were about how what she’s doing now isn’t her ‘mission’ on this earth even though she’s super passionate about what she does. She loves it. Her students get so much out of it all. But she doesn’t feel like it’s the thing that she’s ‘here to do’…
For as long as I can remember I’ve wanted to be famous. On television, singing, dancing, performing, movies, speaking… many of the things that I do now, but I imagined it a little differently. I’ve always wanted to be and feel beautiful, admired and as someone who is inspiring, motivating and brining joy and light to the world.
I don’t think ‘mission’ on this planet, in this reality, in this body is to ‘only teach others how to market themselves and be VISIBLE online”… it’s more than that
In fact, when I was talking with my client, I explained what it is that I see as my bigger ‘why’, if you like. And that’s to use everything that I have available to me now to create bigger impact. To grow a global audience, primarily of women, to share with them how to BE who they want to be, make money doing it, yes, and everything that comes along with that.
Everything, however, has a foundation of confidence and fun. I want everyone to feel like that.
Further along from that, though I want to start charities. Foundations. Provide angel housing… for women in domestic violence relationship. Maybe start a school that teaches these women how to make money so that they can build up something where they feel great when it come to creating financial independence. You see, this is a huge ‘tool’ that is used to hold over women in these types of relationships. Financial abuse. They don’t have access to the money to be able to leave. It’s a HUGE reason why women don’t leave. It was a big factor in me not leaving.
So for me, the work that I’m doing now, is used as a VEHICLE of impact and for making money. Because my BIG work that I am here to do requires me to be financially freaking WEALTHY. It requires me to be ON POINT with my health and fitness. With my company. With my energy. With my EVERY FREAKING thing.
For me, even the work that I’ll do with survivors of DV, it still boils down to rebuilding confidence and establishing a high level of self esteem so that YOU can see your own amazingness. So that you can be, do and have all that you want.
The thing that you’re doing right now DOES need to be aligned with you. You do need to feel passionate about it.
But it doesn’t need to feel like ‘this is what I’m here to do all of the time and for my entire life’… and for some of you it will.
Either way, it’s ok.
What you’re doing now, can be the vehicle in which you use as a platform as a pivot point to propel forward.
Lady Gaga is a great example of this.
Her music, her fame, her notoriety provides the platform for her to use her voice to share her wisdom about anti-bullying. About non-conformity. Essentially, to inspire personal empowerment.
So take a leaf out of the books of those who ARE famous and take a look at how they’re using their fame for good in the world.
Take a look at those who are WEALTHY and RICH beyond measure and what they’re using their money for.
Use it to create more good in the world.
And for that reason, set your sights HIGHER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE!
Imagine what you’d be doing, who you’d be being, what you’d be saying ‘when you get there’ and start doing that now!!!!
You don’t need to be a zillionaire to do a lot of good in the world.
I wanted to share with a you a bit about my Champagne Supernova 2 day luxury event happening in May. There are 5 seats left.
I know what it’s like to play it safe. To conform. To try to assimilate. I’ve been that person in the past who says “one day I’d like to be like [INSERT NAME]” and I realised that actually, what I want more than anything in the world is to be the ELITE version of myself.
That means, for me, having the elite body (abs, strong legs, J Lo arms, and strength galore), elite money mindset, elite level clients (it’s more of an energy thing than a financial one), elite experiences, elite EVERY-freaking-THING! Elite content. Elite messaging. Being treated like an elite person gets treated everywhere I go.
I want to be the best damn version of myself every single day of every week of every month of every year and be FREAKING PROUD of everything that I do, create and say.
Now. What that means for me, is that I need to put myself into elite situations. Elite company. Elite environments, because that stuff rubs off.
You know the saying that you are like the 5 people you spend the most time around? Yep. I want to be around people who are at a higher level than I am because it propels me forward and upwards.
This is what this 2 day CHAMPAGNE SUPERNOVA is for you. A chance to get yourself in a room with people who will lift you up.
A luxury-THI-IS-NOT-A-CONFERENCE-event where you are going to be in ‘my’ luxury apartment on the Gold Coast, for 2 whole days UPLEVELLING in every single way humanly possible.
For the best, optimal experience for you, this is an INTIMATE room. So that I can get inside each of your brains and help you to pull out the magic within you.
So that you create the IMPACT you want. So that you become ICONIC. So that you’re VISIBLE. So make the money…. All of the monies…. So you can provide for your family and loved ones that you which you want, as well as create the foundations for you to achieve the WORLD IMPACT that you want (like I was telling you about earlier). The money is the vehicle, so we’ve got to be READY and WILLING to make all of it, doing the good in the world NOW so we can do more in the future
We’ll be working, naturally, on the elite mindset version of you, your message and your marketing (so you can bring in freaking awesome clients who love you, who do the work and who are WITH YOU every step of the way), along with hanging out with some of the best humans on the planet that you will get to call your friends.
Let’s do it, baby! There’s still a little while to go so there are payment options available. www.nicolamoras.com.au/supernova