I Know What I Have To Do… But I’m Not Doing It
Have you ever felt like you needed a rocket up your butt in order to get moving?
You say things like “I know all of this stuff, so why aren’t I doing it?”
You see others online and you say to yourself “Gosh yes! But I could totally have said THAT or in a better way”
Who the heck is that and where did they come from?! Why aren’t I doing that?”
If that sounds even a smidge familiar (it could like a little cockroach in your head versus a loud roaring of thoughts) then I have to tell you that we need to pay attention to those voices.
Let’s be real.
You’re successful ✅
You’ve got great clients ✅
You’ve established yourself ✅
You’re a leader in what you do ✅
You’ve got a ‘good’ business ✅
✔️ You want MORE
✔️ You want to make a bigger impact
✔️ You want to be less ‘busy’
✔️ You want more $$
✔️ You want that will less hands on
✔️ You want to excel
✔️ You want to be famous in your industry
✔️ You want books, stages and to help 10’s of 1000’s of people doing what you do
And you KNOW that this means:
⚛️ Investing in your growth with time
⚛️ Putting energy into the things that are going to do this
⚛️ Putting your money where your mouth is
⚛️ Getting a bit uncomfortable because you know that’s where the growth is
⚛️ You can’t do it alone and to be honest, you don’t WANT to do it alone
⚛️ You want some hep pulling out of your head your genius, your brilliance, expertise, knowledge and personality and creating some structure to follow
⚛️ You essentially want to be told, like a PT session, what to do so you don’t overthink it or tap out when it feels a little hard.
When it all clicks in, you know that you’re going to be unstoppable.
The Amplification Project is all about creating the click.
So, hahaaa!! Click here so I can help you.
I’ve been that person who said, “I know what I need to do and I’ll go do it” and then haven’t done it. ????
I’ve been the person who knows the stuff and haven’t used it.
I’ve been the person who, when left to my own devices, I find ways to get around myself…
And it got me distinctly nowhere!!!!!
Accountability, ass kicking, alignment and some much-needed clarity is exactly what the doctor ordered.
So let’s get it done.
Starting on the 7th of April with bonus prework dropping next week, let’s go!
It’s not enough to just know your stuff…
It’s not enough to KNOW that you’re destined for bigger, greater things…
It’s not enough to just sit there and visualise all that you want and expect that it’s going to land in your lap, as if by magic, without actually doing the things necessary.
You can write in your journal about being magnetic, about people somehow finding you on the internet and then instantly paying you money….. but…. If you don’t take action to help them to find you…. You remain a secret.
I believe that mindset is important.
I believe that manifesting and focus is important.
Faith. Fearlessness. Being fabulous….
But we also need to take ACTION.
Which means you need to carve out the space for this.
You need to create the TIME.
There’ll be times throughout your business where you’re studying, creating, doing ‘the work’ with your people and generally hustling (but in and with flow, naturally!!). There are seasons for this.
There will also be times in your business where you feel like everything that you want is coming through and into your life and business without any feeling of force or even effort.
This is the payoff to the showing up.
This is the payoff to doing what you need to do in the ‘on’ season.
You get to reap the rewards.
My husband has worked on his family’s farm for years, growing and exporting grapes.
Before the plants were able to bear fruit, they needed to first decide on where the best dirt was to create the crop.
They needed to prepare the soil.
They needed to fertilise it.
They needed to make it the best damn soil that they could, because they know that with good soil, you’ve got more of a chance of a good producing vine.
THEN they plant it
Then they nurture it.
It might be a couple of seasons before those vines actually produce a good volume of fruit
There is however, no doubt about the vines being fruit producing. It’s a given.
They nurture. Water. Fertilise. Take care of. Trim. Water. Rinse and repeat.
And the fruit grows and the vines produce season after season after season.
There is however, a time, money and energy investment in getting the crop prepared before seeing the fruits.
Building visibility is the same.
It WILL pay off. It has to!
For when you’re being you, you’re showing up and you’re doing the things that you know are preparing the soil (your audience) for growth and fruit producing-ness, without expecting anything less than a SIZABLE yield… you will see the fruit start to flourish.
It’s takes persistence.
So come and play in The Amplification Project and let’s get YOU out there.