I heard the sad news this morning that Andy Jenkins, a very famous Internet Marketer and Entrepreneur died overnight.
This is a guy who was a pioneer in the Internet Marketing industry and a huge inspiration for me for some time.
This man leaves behind a huge legacy of empowerment, entertainment and technology…
Which really got me thinking this morning about how so many of us take it for granted that we’re going to wake up tomorrow.
I mean, it might sound a little morbid or negative or fatalistic, but the truth is that this is the truth!
Life happens regardless of what you’re doing, so you’ve got to take it by the balls and make it happen.
It’s interesting that this news came in just after launching my WAKE UP AND SHAKE YOUR SHIT UP launch and seemed to me, to be a big tick of validation that this program is so important.
We all have fears around whether or not we’re going to fail.
We all have fears of not being good enough…
Being taken out at the knees by the TPP: Tall Poppy police
We worry about thing working and not working/
We worry about money and growth and scaling (regardless of the number you’re at)
We all have beliefs that don’t serve us.
Self sabotage things that happen when we’re triggered (knowingly or not) with our different ideas and thoughts and goals and dreams and desires…
Ultimately, we all have MANY things going on that need to be GONE so that we’re able to be the people that we are here to be, in the time that we have on this planet.
I believe that we all can step it up.
I believe that we can ALL reach new heights.
I believe that we can ALL be, do and have MORE – endless amounts of more….
If we’re willing to shake things up. (Learn more about my latest program WAKE UP AND SHAKE UP YOUR SHIT here!)
We talked on The Coffee Run this morning about how life is worth living…
We also talked about how to work with people who are friends be it as a client or as an employee!