We are born in the spotlight, but with every negative comment and sideways look, we lose a bit of ourselves. It’s like a fragment of us flitters away into the place where the fragments of souls gather….
Fragments leave and we can forget our amazingness for a while.
I’ve always performed from a young age for visitors who’d come to visit my parents. Dance shows, singing, performing, telling jokes. You name it. I did it!!
I remember being about 10 years old and doing ballet in a new town and the teacher telling me that because of my shapely bottom and sway back, I would never make it as a ballerina.
I was heartbroken.
Fast forward to doing drama in high school and not getting the parts I wanted – mainly because I was no good at learning lines!! I just wanted to do my own thing, so probably a blessing, really!!!! To really feeling like I wasn’t good enough.
Being promised solo’s in choir but not ever having them delivered upon.
Fragments gone.
Fast forward to being 20, working for a Bank, loving it. So eager to learn and move up in the organisation that I would always be on hand offering help to those doing the next job up. Laughing, being me. (Whilst still being professional with the clients) to being told “You’ve got to stop telling jokes Nicola. Nobody thinks you’re funny. You’re here to do a job, just do YOUR job and leave the other staff members alone”.
Many fragments flew away that day.
It had often been my light heartedness and humour that had gotten me to where I was. My first job was because I was a bit sassy!!! My first managers loved me. I was light, bright and ME.
Fast forward further to moving up in Bank World and really feeling like I could be ME in my office with clients, but outside of that office, nope! I needed to be a certain way to assimilate. To fit in.
I started running seminars that people loved. So I wanted to do more of them.
But no. That won’t work, Nicola
No, we can’t do that, Nicola
Just do your job
Make sure that there’s room for the other poeple who need to do their job
Reaffirmed at every stage from people around me (not my parents or family) that BEING ME is NOT enough.
So I tried to bend, mould, limbo and contort myself into trying to be someone else
Trying to fit in.
Trying to like ‘the right’ music.
Trying to be like the others.
Trying to constantly NOT be who I am, but rather who I thought I needed to be.
This rippled through my own business when I started out.
Tried to be professional. Tried to be polished. Tried to be just ‘right’ so ‘they’ would buy.
They didn’t.
Until enough was enough.
I grew tired of trying to be all things to all people.
Trying to appeal to the corporate market and the consumer market and the professional market and the laid back market.
I was done.
I was DONE with the belief that I wasn’t enough.
I was done with doing things any other way than what was aligned with ME and my personality and MY FREAKING SOUL.
So I chose me.
And in doing so, I choose YOU.
The things that can contribute to the fluttering away of your soul are things like:
· Overwhelm
· Worrying about things not working
· Fear of what your peers might say
· What will the school mum’s think?
· What if they think I’m full of myself?
· It’s all ego and you should stop it.
· How do I even know what to say
· I tried something and it didn’t work so am I even cut out for this?
· Overwhelmed with choice
· Will I even be seen anyway?
· There are a billion people doing what I do, so hwy would anyone really listen to me, anyway?
And that’s just the stuff we say to OURSELVES!!!
Not to mention all the stuff others say (or we think they say).
And so it goes.
The fluttering away continues. Until there’s barely anything left and you have to draw a line in the mofing sand.
You HAVE to choose you first and foremost.
All the people along the way that had you question your own freaking worthiness of being in the spotlight don’t even deserve to be in your world.
You are worthy.
You are needed.
I want to see YOU stand up.
I want to see YOU step INTO your spotlight.
I want to see you reclaim your SOUL …
Your audience are SO FREAKING HUNGRY for you.
They need you.
They want you.
They are waiting for you to show up and talk to them.
Not from a place of who you THINK you need to be….
But from the place of who you actually are.
This is really what Social Rebels is all about at it’s core.
You getting yourself out there.
You stepping into the Spotlight.
You being seen.
You being VISIBLE.
Social Rebels is all about stepping into YOUR Spotlight.
Going from feeling invisible and wondering if you even exist on the internet (Does a tree falling down in the forest even make a noise if there’s nobody there to witness it?? Does the forest even exist? *GASP*)
From there, when you move up a little, it can still feel like you’re disconnected and even bored… leading to feeling ignored.
So what has to change?
Well, you need to step IN so that you can engage with your people and then feel connected and help them to REALISE that YOU are The Only Choice For Them.