Why is that some women are so QUICK to bring down others?
Why do they judge so harshly others’ choices?
What’s right for one may not be right for another. And I think the quicker we all get on the same ‘page’ and support each other the better off we’re all going to be. We’re all different.
Screw putting it down to tall “Oh, it’s just the Tall Poppy Syndrome”. Label it how it really is: Downright bitchy.
Personally, I believe it comes from a place of feeling guilty. Feelings of inadequacy. That they ‘can’t have what she’s having’ because of whatever reason. “If I can’t have it then no-one should”.
Far too much high and mightiness going on in my opinion.
Be happy with YOU and how you choose to live your life. What everyone else is does is their own journey.
I have 3 children. With my first daughter I didn’t have the option (financial option) to stay home longer than 4 months with her. That was just how it was. With my second daughter I stayed home with her for 6 months and loved it. I did go back to work, however, because at the time it made life a little more comfortable and ‘they needed me’. With my third child, my son, I had the luxury of being able to stay home longer.
I did, however, get bored. Not, I don’t mean that I find being a mum boring. I mean, I was bored. I didn’t have any external conversation on a daily basis outside of gabbling with my kids. Which, for me, was fine for a while. But I need more.
There is no judgement around HOW you want to live you life. That’s your business and noone elses’. However. I think women should stop judging others so harshly.
No wonder so many women think that they have to be supermums. The judgement from other mum’s is suffocating.