It’s time for you to enter the white void.
This makes me think of The Good Place. We watched it with the kids last year and we LOVED it!!! Eleanor is a disaster but grows into herself and we loved Michael and Janet.. and Tahini.. ok. We loved them all!!!!
But I digress.
Something that I think is SUPER powerful is visualising and writing in what you want to create. Who you want to create it with. How you want to do it – to a point.
I remember back in 2013 when I was asked what I did for fun and I think I nearly choked on that question. You could have asked me anything else and I don’t think I would have reacted in the same way!! I was genuinely confused by the question.
I have fun all the time.
I run my business – Fun ✅
I hang out with my kids – Fun ✅
I work – Fun ✅
I worked out a bit – Fun ✅
I played with the children – Fun ✅
I created content – Fun ✅
I thought more and more about what I wanted and worked my ass off to make it happen – Fun ✅
I had a massage maybe once per year – Fun ✅
I travelled for work – Fun ✅
We went to SA to visit my family ever few months – Fun ✅
I had FUN all the time….
But then I was asked the question that REALLY knocked me “So, you do all these things pretty much for everyone else, except your annual massage, so what do you do for YOU”.
I was again perplexed. I replied with pretty much the list above. With the main thing being my business was my main source of ‘fun’.
It was highlighted to me that perhaps this wasn’t enough!!!!!
I didn’t realise. I hadn’t realised. To me, I used to think that doing things for myself meant that I was sacrificing time with everyone else… and I was already doing so damn much of ignoring all of the people (I felt like I was) and I was SURE that there was going to be no way that I could do something for ME that was outside of business.
You see, if I was doing things for business I felt like it was justified. I could validate my annual massage usually due to a sore back or migraines! But other than that, I really didn’t think it was ok for me to do things for myself.
It was so strange. When I was working for someone else, it was no problem at all! But suddenly, in my own business where I was responsible for everyone and everything and all the things…l NOPE! If I wasn’t with the fam I was working and vice versa.
At that time, one of my mentors was sharing her experiences of roller derby and I was intrigued! I thought ‘wow! This sounds so amazing’! I loved snowboarding and adrenalin activities and roller coasters, so this Roller Derby gig sounded AHHHHMAZING! I thought that might be fun, but I was so damn scared of trying! Hahaha!
At this same time, I was challenged to write up what my ideal day would like look.
I wrote in there about learning to skate. I wrote about my dream stepping-stone home (I have always wanted to move to the beach, so the stepping-stone-home was like the temporary). I wrote about the daily habits I wanted to have. I wrote about how I wanted to wake up. How I wanted to feel. The things I would be experiencing. The money I’d be making. The people I’d be helping.
I wrote it all in.
I remember as a child having paper dolls. You know the ones you pull out of books, and you can change their clothes – the dresses had tabs that would sit over and fold over the shoulders of the paper doll? The shoes the same thing. And you could dress it how you wanted to dress it?
That’s how I felt like with writing this dream life.
That’s what it felt like. A DREAM life.
Where I’d be working with AMAZING clients. Clients who were respectful and badasses. Fun and funny – who I’d love hanging out with as well as working with.
Where I’d be living in the ‘stepping stone house’ with someone that would support me with feeding me (not literally putting food in my mouth but by delivering food to my office when it was time to eat. I’d get so caught up in what I was doing that it would get to the end of the day and I’d realise that I hadn’t eaten a thing). This is not healthy by the way and I’d highly recommend against it. (You should have protein porridge in the morning with blueberries. It will change your world).
Where Dom and I would both be working at home – him doing his thing and me doing mine. I’d have a kickass office and his well, I had no idea what his would look like and nor did I really care!!!
We’d get to travel with the kids and create memories and experiences for them.
We’d have FUN!
I would have my own kind of fun. I wanted to learn how to skate. I wanted to get really good at it and learn how to play Roller Derby. Scared shitless but wanting to learn.
I wanted to feel like I was making a difference every day for myself and for my clients and for my family.
When I think about EVERYTHING that I wrote in that notebook (which I still have stored in my cupboard) I know that EVERYHING in there has come true. Some faster than others and some not in the way that I thought that it would… but it’s ALL TRUE.
It’s insane when I think about the details that I had in there and then the aligned action that I took to bring it to life.
What if you were to consciously write in every single day what you want to create – as if it’s done?
What if you were to envision it and capture it in immense detail?
What if, every single day, you pretended that you were starting with a beautiful crisp, clean, white void that you could fill with all that you WANTED?
Imagine you’ve been zapped in there by Janet (From The Good Place) and that exactly like she brings in there what you want, this is how it works for you, too!!!
I know for me, it’s almost like magic when this stuff happens….
But you’ve got to get completely #UnapologeticAF about what you want.
New cars?
Living off grid?
Being an Olympic gold medallist?
Creating a legacy?
What do you want? What does YOUR ideal day look like?
Allow yourself to be completely Unreasonable in the demands that you want from your future!
Don’t judge what you want. Don’t second guess it.
Want $1M? Ace! Go for it. ‘
There needs to be ZERO judgement here.
Imagine that you are the QUEEN OF ALL OF THE LANDS and that you get to create whatever you want.
You get to surround yourself with whatever you want.
You can lead however you want.
You can be, do and HAVE WHATEVER the hell you want!
And of course, you’re a very benevolent leader, so you make sure that EVERYONE in land gets to thrive, too.
Nobody misses out.
Get clear on that.
Get rid of the blocks to that coming true.
Take massive and inspired action…
And I cannot wait to hear from you when YOU TELL ME what you’ve created out of that white void and how it came into your reality.
Of course, I now LOVE skating. I play roller derby, I coach, I LOVE it. FUN is a huge driver for me in my every day life.
I no longer believe that it’s selfish to do things for me. (Perhaps sometimes I sway too far that way ???? ).
I know the better I take care of myself, the more FUN I have, the more aligned I am and the more creative I am. It’s just how it works.
Now you can go and create all the things that you want.
Cause you are a magical manifesting unapologetic badass!!!!
–PS. This is the tip of the iceberg as I’m sure you’re aware!! If you want to go deeper on this kind of work as well as have more CLARITY and CONFIDENCE around what you’re doing from now on, you must be in #Unapologetic! It’s going to ROCK YOUR WORLD and RAMP YOU UP!!!!! Find out more here:
PPS. The photo of the house is the house that when I conjured it up in March 2013 it was no longer on the market. In May 2013 it was BACK ON the market and I bought it!!! The scenery is the place where that manifestation was put into action. #magic