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Nicola MorasI apologise in advance for the lack of video blogs. I have a broken leg!! 🙁

I was training with my Roller Derby heroes (my team mates) and I broke my leg – in a not so spectacular fashion, unfortunately!!! I was testing out a move, pushing myself to beyond the limits of what I’d done before, and came crashing down to the ground…resulting in a broken leg!! This ain’t for the faint hearted!

But what does this have to do with business building? EVERYTHING.There are going to be things that happen to you when  you’re in business that you’re going to have NO control over. The kids will get sick. Clients will leave you. You might break YOUR leg. Your might fight with your partner. They could leave. You may have to move house. Put the kids into a new school. Deal with a sick pet. EVERYTHING could turn to shit.

Your WHOLE WORLD can come crashing down around you….and that’s when you’re faced with a choice to make.

You can do what you need to do. You can take control over what you CAN take control over. Which is your business.

When you know HOW to market…

When you know HOW to convert prospects into customers and then those customers into clients…

You can continue to have control over your own destiny.

Treat your day like you’re stepping onto a stage. You step out from the wings, and you take centre stage. ANYTHING can be going on backstage, and you don’t need to worry about it, because you’re on stage and you need to deliver.

Treat it as if the audience can do what they like, but you have control of that stage. You have control over how you present. How you show up. How you perform. Control over the performance you deliver.

Grab your destiny with both hands and hold onto it like a mofo.

Don’t let ‘stuff’ that happens hold you back from creating the kind of life and business that you deserve.

You’re better than that.

I broke my leg on Sunday – a couple of weeks ago. I was not a happy camper!!

But, come Monday morning, I still worked, because there was no way that I wasn’t going to deliver to my clients!

It actually didn’t even occur to me to take time off. It’s not how I operate.

I set my office up in my bedroom with one of those hospital tables and a laptop!!!!! I’ve had my leg raised on cushions to control the swelling….which is what I would’ve had to do regardless of if I was working or not….so why not use my time productively?!!?!?!?!?

Now, I’m not saying that everyone can or will do this. However, it’s this attitude that’s taken me from where I was 2 years ago, making next to no money, to where I am now – I’ve written over $2m in sales!!! Yes. You read correctly. Two-fucking-million dollars!!!

I’ve helped hundreds of women grow their businesses. Make more money. Help them do what they WANT to do with their businesses. Create programs and packages to get themselves leveraged.

The qualities that THEY have, are the same as mine…

They don’t give up.

The do what they need to do.

They are RELENTLESS in their pursuit of greatness.

They treat the world as their stage and they put on the performance of their lives.

Now, go break a leg! (Only in the good luck sense. Not literally, please!)

Build your resilience muscle. You’re going to need it.

Make every move count 🙂

Nic x