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To evergreen or to not evergreen

To evergreen or to not evergreen

How many times have you bought something and not used it?

I am a sucker for a gorgeous handbag or a killer pair of shoes…. Throw in the mix something that is particularly unique, and I’m DONE! 😉

I used to be the same with online courses. I’d see something I thought would be helpful, I’d buy it.. and then the ‘Your Logins Are Enclosed’ email would sit in my unopened (but in my defence I’d make sure it was ‘flagged’!) in my inbox waiting ever so patiently for me to open it.Thing is, I wanted the course that was being offered. I liked the idea of self paced. I had a problem and they solved it with their wiley marketing ways … except that just buying the course didn’t get my house styled! That unopened course didn’t teach me expert copywriting skills…. Because an unopened and unused course can’t solve a problem for you…

But I FELT like my problem was solved when I bought it. DAMN YOU, BRAIN!!!

This is a bit of problem in the “information Industry” at the moment, right? Where so many things are self-paced and people thing that they’re going to be found as soon as hitting that PayPal submit button …

But it’s not how it works.

If only knowledge could be transmitted via osmosis…. Sigh….

I have often laughed over the years that I wish I could have a USB stick of someone else’s brain, plug it into my brain so that I could literally download the knowledge.

Imagine the fun of learning that I would miss out on, though.

Right now, I am literally studying Natural Medicine. In four years I’ll be a doctor of it. I hope J hahha!  It’s certainly interesting making sure I study regularly and do the course work.

For me, when I buy a course or something like that, I like to make sure that I have something happening in terms of accountability, in terms of regularity and in terms of support. Otherwise, things just sit on the ‘shelf’ and don’t get used or opened.

It’s a problem I’ve seen a lot over the years. People can produce the BEST most amazing course and content, get some clients enrolled, but then because they don’t have any accountability or follow up, well…. They’re like me! They find a zillion other things to do and the course goes by the wayside. They can feel like they have had their problem solved…..

The course bandaid. It psises me off!

A number of years ago I made the choice that 99% of my programs would be run LIVE. Or if the curriculum was not run ‘live’, there HAD to be a component within the course where people can check-in. Where they can ask questions. Where they can have a deadline.

My clients LOVE deadlines!

Either deadlines where they have to have something finished by or an end date for the running of a program.


Because it motivates them to do something rather than having an endless amount of time to ‘do the thing’.

Think about like you’re working towards getting to a competitive level in something you love. For me, it’s Roller Derby. I knew that I was going to be back playing (hopefully) in April, so I have a deadline in terms of getting fitness on point, getting my nutrition back to where it needs to be, so I can be competition ready.

Without deadlines I’m screwed.

Even TODAY with the programs I launch and the marketing I do, I make sure I have a deadline. The other thing that happens for me, if I don’t have this in place is I get B O R E D. Which sucks.

I am not a good person to be around when I’m bored!

As much as I don’t like to admit it, when I’m bored, I can be known to get quite needy… and I don’t like feeling like that at all!!!!

Something I’m really missing at the moment is running in person events, because you can’t run away from me if you’re in a room with me!!! I am *hoping* with every fibre of my being that we’ll be able to run some events in person this year, but who the heck knows if that will / can even happen!?!? Anyone? Bueller???? Sigh.

For the time being, though, I have resorted to the way that I’ve been running things for years.

Programs with LIVE delivery and interactive components. Then, people can access the recordings later on if they feel like they want them.

This is what works for me, it’s what works for my clients.

After running probably 100’s of programs over the years, this is what I’ve found works best.

This is EXACTLY how I’m running Unpack Your Genius, by the way, in case you were wondering! Every 2 days a training goes live. So you have 2 days to ‘do the work’ and ask questions…

What do you prefer? I definitely like deadlines and live trainings. I love interactivity and I love seeing people ‘get it’ when they get it!!!! I don’t like evergreen programs for my own consumption or really selling them all the time.

I NEED the interaction. I thrive on it. And my clients get the best results when they get that from me.

NOBODY likes the idea of their hard work and genius going to waste, right?

I mean heck. Really?

Every single human wants to know that their work is mattering to someone else…. And I like the fact that I can SEE this when I run my stuff the way that I do.

So with that being said, make sure you do things the way that YOU want to do them.

If you think they’re better off being evergreen, then do that.

If you think they’re better off being LIVE, then do that.

If you want to hybrid them, do that.

If you want to do it as a live event, please, for the love of all things holy do it and do one for me, too!!! I shall live my life vicariously through you!!!!

Do it your way. And in such a way that works for your people.

That’s the best way!

It’s actually the only way.


Want to unpack your brain so that you can do more of this with ease? You’ve got to find out more about Unpack Your Genius that starts soon! Find out more here:


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live' 


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live'