Mistakenly some people believe that I don’t get worried about stuff in my business. They might think that I’ve always got my shit together, that I always feel inspired and motivated, inspiring and motivating. The facts are that I am just like you.
I have often found myself at my desk, or at wherever my laptop happens to be (which as I write this, I’m sitting on the couch where I have been for the last hour procrastinating on writing this blog!)… you know, laptop life and all that? I love that I have the ability to work from anywhere. Literally anywhere. Even a plane when I can get on one!!!!
This doesn’t mean, however, that I don’t get scared or nervous or challenged. It doesn’t mean I don’t have issues with tech – although I tend to hand this over to my team these days.
I still have days where I don’t want to play – particularly if I’ve had a launch that hasn’t done what I wanted it to. Or maybe someone has said something that knocked me about a bit. Or maybe it just one of those days where I am a bit tired or depleted and my wall of resilience has taken a bit of a hammering.
My emotions can get the better of me sometimes.
I never used to think of myself as sensitive. I never used to think of myself as someone who feels sad or melancholic or down… until I did. It’s rare and the incidents are admittedly few and far between… but worse than that, I think, is the feeling of feeling stagnant. Stuck. Overwhelmed. Anxious. Living in the future where things don’t work out for me.
Apparently, I am human, after all! Damn you emotions!!! Hahhaha!
I also know that my emotions and my frequency are my superpowers. The magic juice. The sauce. The goodness. The fire, spark and jhoooooz. (not sure how to spell that!!!!!).
For me, these feelings tend to kick in if I get caught up worrying about money too much. It doesn’t matter how much you make, we have obligations financially to people and to things, and I can get caught up in it.
Sometimes it’s when the leads aren’t flowing in. Or perhaps people aren’t buying.
I can sometimes get caught up in the moment of “What the heck is wrong with me” type of destructive thinking, and honestly, it’s just not healthy.
When I find this happening, there are two things I do.
1) I tell myself off! Well, kind of but not really. I give myself a bit of a talking to. I remind myself that everything has ebbs and flows. That energy comes in and goes out. Money goes in and goes out.
I remind myself that my emotions don’t rule the ship. They are just one engine and not the entire ship.
I remind myself that there are other parts of this ship that still need taking care of and that are responsible for pulling their weight (It would appear we’re sticking with the ship metaphor! Hahaa!!).
I remind myself that feelings aren’t everything.
It makes me think about the relationship with my husband. I always love him, but I don’t always like him. (He does know this, it’s ok!).
2) I come back to being pragmatic. Which means I look at the numbers because numbers aren’t emotional.
So, for me, there’s safety in numbers.
What I look at is:- the number of leads
- what they cost per lead
- how many people looked at a sales page
- how many people bought
- how many people engaged with the marketing
- how many sales activities were done
- how we’re tracking towards the sales KPI’s
When I have gathered all the data, I can then look at things with a more analytical, pragmatic view rather than getting caught in the emotions.
I can usually form a plan action once I’ve looked at the numbers and plot and plan what I’m going to do next.
I’ve always done this. I used to do this in the Bank when I was falling short of meeting a target. I relied on spreadsheets and formulas. It made my brain happy!
It’s almost like knowing the data allowed the creative side of me to start to shine and somehow, always, I’d pull a rabbit out of my hat and shazam! Things would work again.
The thing is this.
If you are taking action, then you can start to generate data.
When you have data you can make some strategic decisions without emotion.
Having said that, if you’re flying high and things are working and your emotions are on par, ride the wave baby!
Most of all, know your numbers. Always. Know how to interpret them. Know what to look for. And then form your plan of attack and your decisions from there.