One of the movies I love watching with my children is Nanny McPhee. For those who haven’t seen it, it’s a movie where children who have lost their mother have a Nanny come and help their father with raising them.
There’s a great quote in there that I love, and she says (in my recollection) “When you need me but don’t want me, I’ll be here, and when you want me but don’t need me, that’s when I’ll go”… it’s something along those lines.
I got to thinking about this today, as I am in a place right now where abundance is flowing in from many (and all) angles. It’s SUCH an awesome and amazing feeling.
I have wonderful kickass clients who I ADORE.
I have a great relationship with my husband (who knew he’d get sexier and more amazing with each year that passes!?).
My children are amazing – most of the time – and I have a great relationship with each of them. They’ve all been INCREDIBLE particularly in the past few days.
I’m doing work I LOVE.
I feel like my soul is on fire – in all the best and right ways.
I’m feeling creative.
I have the most AHHHHmazing team of people around me who ‘get’ me.
I’m about to award a wonderful human a crown and $1000 cash prize tomorrow for being an incredible participant in a program I ran in February.
I had a call from The Bank today telling me that they made an error on their end and I’m due a refund on some interest. It’s a pretty substantial amount of money. (Makes me think of Monopoly ‘bank error in your favour’!!! As if this happens in the reals!?!!?!?!).
I’ve had clients send me the most glorious messages sharing their wins, results, insights and testimonials… unprompted.
My abs are starting to peak through. YASSSSS!
But a LOT of this happening is because I stopped trying to CONTROL all of the things.
Yes, I am a self-confessed, recovering control freak. It’s something I’m working on letting go of…. Feels at times like it’s a slow process, but you know how it goes!
As I mentioned, though, what I was thinking about was the difference between ‘want’ and ‘need’.
Yes, there are things that I ‘want’ to manifest in my world. There are even things I think I ‘need’… but the facts are that foot-stamping, tantruming, demanding and lamenting on the fact that you don’t have what you aren’t going to make it come to you.
That’s a ‘push’ energy.
What we need to do, is do the work by working on what we want, but then letting go of the ‘need’ to have it.
Now. Before you yell at me, I know that there are some things that some people ‘need’ to have in their lives. Like a roof, food and shelter. I’m not talking about that. Our basic human needs do need to be met, right? And that’s not something you can just ‘let go of the need of’.
What I’m talking about is in business, if you constantly push push pushing so incredibly hard….. if you’re always hustling your ass off… you’ll get results, yes, but you may find that if you were to let go of the ‘need’ to hit $100K/mth or $100K/year or whatever your goal is, you might find that with a bit more ‘flow’ you can tap into what your next required actions are in order to hit those goals.
I ran a training for my Queens of The Internet Mastermind group and in it, we covered off some core things you can do in the space of alignment and clarity.
The first thing to do is to cut cords. Cut cords to any worrisome thoughts.
Cut cords to anyone else that you might be energetically attached to. Every time you run a group training, there’s an energetic connection made between you and them and it’s not necessary for that connection to be maintained for any length of time. Each and every person has the ability to connect to their own higher self, source, God, Universe (whatever works for you) in order to access more energy. They don’t need to vampire from you.
Secondly, once you’ve cut cords to all of that ‘stuff’, it’s time to get grounded. Breathhhhhhhe. Ahhhh.
And then, when you’re in that space, where you’re feeling grounded, where you’re feeling connected, where you’re feeling calm, you can ask yourself “What’s the next required action to take right now, if I knew everything is always working out for my highest good?” And then you’ll go and do that.
Not from a place of desperation. Not from a place of need. But from a place of alignment.
I’ve made some decisions in the past that defy logic. Pulled launches part way through. Completely stopped teaching things that were guaranteed to make me money, but felt no longer in alignment. I’ve told people ‘no’ I won’t work with you, even when I NEEDED the money as well as WANTING it.
Alignment first and foremost, always.
Letting go of the ‘how’ is like letting go of the bar at the side of the roller skating rink when you’re learning to roller skate.
Scary as hell but necessary!!!!
You’ve got this. I know you do.
Do whatever you can, to get into this place, so that you’re able to manifest and be an active participant in what you’re creating.
After all, YOU are the keeper of your dreams and your dreams are rarely logical.
Your dreams are flights of fantasy.
They are dreamed up without rules.
They are un-encumbered by the physical world….
And nobody can take these dreams away from you.
Your dreams and goals are like looking through the keyhole of a secret door, looking into the world that you really want to create.
What you feel like you ‘have’ to do is like banging your head against that door hoping it will somehow open. All it does is gives you a headache!!!!
The KEY is knowing that you can get to the other side of that door, by following alignment, your heart and your next required actions.
Time to let go of the push.
Time to let go of any sense of desperation or demanding that THIS is how it has to be.
Abundance is repelled by demanding.
Abundance is brought forth by alignment, by soul, by you following the call.
It’s time my friend to heed that call!
I can’t wait to see what you create!
Nic x
PS. I also unleashed a BRAND NEW immersion today. I’m super excited about it, as I am with all my programs! Haha! This is a 5-6 week immersion program with me, kicking off with 2 whole days devoted to working on you, your plans and your strategy for your content and for your business for the next 12-18 months! You’ll have programs mapped, content planned and then, you get 4-5 weeks of support from me each and every week to get things implemented. After all, implementation and accountability is exactly what creates results. Believe me, I know this to be true for me and my clients tell me it’s exactly what they need, too. Find out more about it here: