Rejection sucks.
Yes, yes it does. It really sucks when you are so excited to share your content, your thoughts, your advice and even your offers with people, only to have them say NO. Or to have people tell you that they don’t agree. Or when they tell you that YOU suck.
Do people really tell other people that they suck?
Yes. They do. They’re assholes, but they do!!!!!
It’s not that you suck. It’s just that you’re not the right person for them, right?
Let’s break it down.
This is one of the biggest reasons that people don’t put themselves out there. They’re deathly afraid of people not accepting them, not liking them, not agreeing with them and therefore not buying from them.
The thing is, though, that this stuff rarely happens. I mean, sure there are trolls out there. There are haters. There ARE people who will say no to you – both to your face, online and through messages. It’s part of business! It’s unrealistic to expect that everyone you talk to is going to say yes and agree with your stance and your thought process around things.
In fact, it’s healthy!
In today’s video blog, I talk you through how to overcome these fears so that you can WIN!!! Or at least so you can put it into perspective. Everything needs perspective!!
How committed are you to the haters winning on a scale of 1-10?
And how committed are you to doing things YOUR way? To your message? To you doing the thing that you’re here to do? What about on a scale of 1-10?
It’s time to no longer let those fears rule your decisions and your choices about your future.
You’ve totally got this!
Remember: The World Is Ready For Your Brand of Awesome.
Nic x
PS. If you want my help with this, check out VISIBLE: The Immersive Experience. Click here to find out more about it.