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He said yes!

He said yes!

It was the year 2014 and everything was going amazingly in my business. I had great clients. I was making a shit ton of money and I felt like I kept sabotaging myself. I felt like I couldn’t get to where I wanted to be.

I had started taking a look at other parts of my life. From health to family to relationships to romance to spirituality.. and I noticed that there was a distinct imbalance happening. One of the things that I felt like I was up against was being able to break through a certain income ceiling. I wanted to push past it, obviously and it didn’t seem to matter what trick, tactic, strategy or plan I implemented…nothing seemed to work – or it would for a hot second and then stop working.

I remember walking through the city of Melbourne in 2014 at the time when I was running my 4-day event “Sales and Marketing Spy School”, which was my signature event for a number of years. It was so much fun! I was teaching marketing and positioning (surprise surprise!!!),  how to use social media to get yourself out there. How to create and build online programs and use social media to fill them.

While I was walking through the city on the morning of the event, I was out with my parents who I had hired to work with me over that period of time. The three of us were walking along at a fast pace, pounding the pavement and I recall having a conversation about a book I had just read, “The Big Leap”. I was talking about the huge insights I had gleaned from it. I was learning about Upper Limit Problems (ULP) and how they can show up in your world.

WOW. I was yabbering on like a crazy person to my parents! Explaining this and that. I was finally understanding more of my behaviour and why I was how I was…. And what I could do about it. I was talking about operating in my zone of genius and when that happened, what I loved about it… and I felt like I was put on earth to do the kinds of things I was doing at Spy School.

I tucked these little nuggets away in the back of my head…..

Towards the end of that year, I was getting particularly restless. Very, very restless. Part of my offering, you see, was to teach people the literal tech side of things when it comes to building funnels and doing your Facebook ads. I LOVED 95% of what I was doing, but the never-ending questions about what button to press next and why something wasn’t integrating properly…. It didn’t bring me joy! It most definitely didn’t light me up.

So I pulled out The Big Leap again, re-read it and was reminded, again, very obviously about why things weren’t working. I had not only hit an ULP, I had also been spending quite a lot of time stuck in the details of the things that I didn’t like and frankly, I couldn’t see a way out. I didn’t think people would hire me ‘just to be a coach’. I didn’t think people would hire me to help them pull amazing ideas out of their head. I felt like I had to know EVERYTHING about any aspect of business, digital marketing, the ins and outs and updates of FB particularly … and I felt pressured and stressed.

In January 2015, I declared I was done with all of the stuff I didn’t want to do and that I would be a “Mindset Coach”. Which is, of course, awesome and necessary… however, people didn’t know me as The Mindset Person.. they knew me as the marketing person. Going out and literally flicking a switch without any word of warning is never really a good idea!!! Looking at what I would have made while I was on my sojourn into The Grass Is Greener Land, I estimate I ‘lost’ $500K based on what I would have made during that time. Ouch. An expensive lesson to learn.

And honestly, I got scared. I settled for working in my zone of genius 20% of the time. Until I couldn’t anymore.

Over the years I hit ULP after ULP. Some were obvious and some were not. I became more unhappy and disgruntled. More discontent with much of The Business. I knew things needed to change, but I was scared. I was scared things wouldn’t work again like they had not worked at the start of 2015 when I wanted to follow my zone of genius and calling.

Due to some circumstances seemingly out of my control, push came to shove at the end of 2017. I was staring down the barrel of quitting my business. Retiring. Hanging up the shoes and shutting down the laptop. If I HAD to keep teaching the things that I was teaching, I was done. I was out. That was enough. I pulled out The Big Leap again……. And again, I was reading about the things that light me up….

And I took the leap. The leap out of doing what I felt like I ‘should’ be doing, to what I WANTED to be doing: Fun. Coaching. Helping people. Getting results with people.

So it was fitting when I saw that ANOTHER one of my friends was able to interview Gay Hendricks… so I reached out, requesting an interview, and he SAID YES!!!!!

You’ll have to catch the full interview when it’s published, but my big takeaways and reminders were these:

  • Energy matters. Alignment matters. Breathe in and out, knowing that you can do this.
  • The ‘work’ never stops
  • Tap into the flow of creativity
  • Entrepreneurs are god’s gift to humanity!
  • Always be learning

It was such a joy to talk to someone who I have learned so much from and continue to, all the time!

The interview will be posted soon.

Most of all, though, I want you to hear this: You are awesome as you are. You have a kickass zone of genius/zone of awesomeness.

The final thing I want to say on this today is this:

Don’t follow the  money.. follow the calling of your SOUL.

Love you x


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live' 


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live'