I am nothing if not consistent! I do what I do, every day, come hell or high water!
Why? Because the alternatives are not an option!
I can’t imagine a world where I’m not showing up every day, bright, shiny….
I can’t imagine a world where I’m not adding value.
I mean, in The Abyss period of 2017/2018, I still had my skeleton content going out and incidentally, nobody really even noticed I don’t think that I was AWOL. Actually, that’s not strictly true, because when I resurfaced for reals, I had messages and comments from individuals saying that they were so happy to see my face back on their screens. #blessthem
Doing things out of alignment creates fractures in your soul and your motivation, which is more often than not, how you end up in The Abyss ~ Nicola Moras
“You’re so strong”… but I haven’t always been.
“You’re so inspiring” … Thank you, but there are tough times when I’ve been so fraught with anxiety that I could barely function and resorted to medication. Yep. There were days when that was the saving grace and was the only way I was going to get through.
“You’re a give no fucks person”…. I’m becoming more and more like this… but rewind 10 years ago, there was no way known to man was I even going to wear knee-high boots out in public! #TrueStory
“I don’t know how you do it” .. Dude, there’s no other choice.
“I don’t know how you can leave your kids and family as much as you do… it’s so admirable….but I couldn’t do it”…. If I don’t get my own space and own time, I feel like I’m suffocating. Travel isn’t an option for me. It’s non-negotiable.
The message from today’s blog is that you need to start NOW.
People will find you inspiring, now.
People will and do learn from you. Now.
I’ve had, today, a message from a client saying the last 2 months of us working together, has $75K in sales and $25K of that is 99% confirmed. Let’s call it $50K….
Had I bought into any idea of “she’s got a big business already how the hell can I possibly help her” I’d be fucked.
If I listened to any negative self-talk or even ought that some might come up, I’m screwed.
There’s always going to be people out there, looking up to YOU. Always. You’ve got to trust that what you’re putting out there is being picked up.
Back when I didn’t trust, I thought people would only ever buy marketing from me. How to do Facebook ads. Something tangible, like “how to add$100K to your business using FB”.
You know what? I could sell that today and probably make $50K in a month… or more. But I’d also be selling my soul to the devil because it’s not what I’m here to do. It’s just not.
I’m here to do things like you are here to do.
To help people live their best businesses and lives. To realise that THEM BEING THEMSELVES is their gift to the world.
They are their zones of genius.
That the way you do you is why people buy… that when you blend your area of mastery with how you do you, this where The Magic happens.
To help with their mindset.
To see their own limitless potential the way I see them.
I feel like I almost want to start a “cult”. The Limitless Potentiality Cult, where, truly, we step into faith every day and be ourselves every day and change, heal and transform the world client by client, one post at a time, one group at a time, one livestream at a time.
And then I got all judgey on myself about the word “cult”!!! Hahaha! Church. Sect. We could call it something else. Or a movement. Or a way of life.
Whatever. The word doesn’t even really matter.
But I don’t want you deferring to ME as the messiah. YOU are the saviour of your own future and life.
You are the key to what you want.
You are the leader. The driver of the bus.
We’re all extras in The You Show.
It’s time to own that, my friend!
And I’d love to help you build YOUR consistency with your showing up. With your visibility. With your content. With your gorgeous face being all over the internet.
Where do you start? You start where you’re at. Right now
And go from there!
PS. Want help with this thing that is you showing up consistently? Contentology is the place to start. It’s fun. It’s light. It helps other people get to know you as the total badass (even if you’re just beginning!) you are. Find out more here: https://join.nicolamoras.com.au/contentology