If you close your eyes and listen, can you hear the calling of your soul?
I was talking yesterday with some friends and clients of mine about how important it is to create space with what you’re doing and how if you’re not ‘feeling it’ then it’s time for you to find ‘it’ again.
I believe that businesses are like any long-term relationship, right? They have their own entity. They interact with you. They have a life of their own. They deserve to be treated with respect and with kindness. There are times you need to draw boundaries and times you celebrate and times you have to do ‘the work’.
It’s not all sunshine and lollipops and rainbows and unicorns. Unfortunately… or fortunately! Because, like a relationship, there are ups and downs.
At this moment in time and for probably the past 5-6 years, my husband and I have been excellent together. We have brief moments of “what the fork” and then we’re back on track! There was a pretty long while there, though, where we were anything that was even close to ‘fine’. We co-existed. Barely.
It wasn’t fun. It was super hard work. There was tension. Push back, pull back, push towards and pulling forwards.
Have you read “Power vs Force” by Dr David R Hawkins? He explains this much better than me. But essentially, what was going on in our romantic relationship (if you could call it that) was that we were both on train tracks going in two vastly different directions.
It got to the point where neither of us could on the way we were and we both made the decision to give it a last-ditch effort. To try to get back to ‘us’, because when we were ‘us’ rather than me and him, we were amazing. What I mean, is when we’re in harmony, in song, singing the same song, to the same tune, at the same time, BAM! We’re awesome and we both really wanted to get back to that. We both love fiercely….and when that’s not there…. And things aren’t working… it’s just damn freaking hard.
Business is similar and I think what we all need to do at various different times in our business lives, is reassess it like we would a relationship.
Is your business serving YOU?
Is it bringing out the BEST version of you?
Are you resenting it?
Do you hate it?
Do you dread getting up to it in the morning?
Does it inspire you to be more?
Does it light you up creatively?
Does it make your soul sing?
Something that I find helpful, is to think of my business as a partner. It’s got to have give and take. There’s got to be a spark, a light, a fire, passion, love and enthusiasm.
I want to be IN LOVE with my husband (and I am!).
I want to be IN LOVE with my business (and I am).
When your business is you, and you are it, sometimes the lines can get a little blurred and it can be hard to see your way out when you’re in the throes of it being tough and challenging.
So come back.
Get clear on what you want.
What your boundaries are for it.
How you want it to be.
How you want it to look.
How you want it to treat you.
How are you going to treat it?
Maybe, just maybe, there needs to a little recalibration if you’re consistently not ‘feeling it’
When you fall back in love with what you do – and how you do it – and WHO you do it with, it shows in your face. In your skin….
You just glow differently when you’re lovin’ it. .
You know what I mean!
For the people I work with – like you – they know in their heart of hearts, in their soul, what they really REALLY want to do. They love it. They can see it, feel it and taste it…. And they’ll do whatever they need to do to rekindle THAT spark – or create that spark.
So they can build something they are IN LOVE with.
What about you? Does anything need to change and shift for you – so you can do that thing that your soul is calling for you to do?