Yes, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are down. All of them. Around the world.
For years I have been banging on about the importance of building your email lists in the event that you were banned, blocked, removed from Facebook or in the event that it might sometime ‘go down’.
That day is here.
Now, not to be an alarmist… I mean… who knows how long it might be down for.. but how in the heck are you going to communicate with your groups, your followers, your fans, your clients if it stays this way? (It won’t. It will be back).
This is the wake up call you didn’t know you needed.
You MUST be building your email list, my friends.
You MUST have a way of growing your audience both inside social media AND OUTSIDE of social media.
You MUST have a way of communicating with them outside of social media.
Why? Because of days like today.
Have you built your funnel yet?
Have you built your free thing to give away yet?
Have you worked on the way that you are going to BULK email your people – adding value, building relationships, talking to them… and then letting them know how YOU can help???
I have been teaching people how to do this for MORE THAN A DECADE!!!!
Want some help with it?
Starting Monday and running all next week I am going to teach you HOW to do this.
I am literally throwing this together this morning….you can’t sign up yet cause I haven’t put the sales page together.
There’ll be 5 modules delivered LIVE next week on zoom. Including instruction videos.
It’s called my “SAVE YOUR ASS” program!!
Because it will. In times like this.
This is your insurance policy. Your way of communicating and connecting with those people you are here to serve outside of social media (as well as within social media).
This is not a ‘nice to have’…. This is a MUST!!!
It will be $497 for the course. (You can find out more HERE)
Meanwhile, don’t panic!!!! But if you want a laugh, sign up to Twitter and search ‘Facebook’ in the search bar… and watch how Twitter and their users are having the time of their life laughing at Facey! It’s freaking hilarious!!!!
Nic xx
PS. The 5 days training will be:
- Working out how to position yourself online
- Building your ideal audience
- Creating something to give away in order to build your email list
- Building your funnel so you can grow your email list (including tech training)
- Nurturing your audience through your email list