I’ve spent this summer pretty much lazing around with the kids. I haven’t done a whole lot of work – I’ve done some, of course, but not like I’d normally do. I’ve also gone through moments of being super motivated to completely not and living a lot in the land of the middle ground between these two.
Something that has been consistent is my workout routine. We wanted to covid-proof our physical activity and so we bought a beast of a home-workout-machine. A multi function trainer with a smith machine (invested a lot more than we were initially going to do as I was initially only looking at a smith machine and making do with the other equipment we had at home).
It’s been great, I have to tell you! But I still need the literal daily reminder of what to do and to make sure I’m pushing myself.
For a few weeks there, I was on autopilot. Doing the exercises and pushing hard.. but optimising them. I was on total autopilot! For me, I need the daily reminder to continue pushing my muscles to failure. To increase the weights incrementally each set if possible and to activate the muscles that require activating.
Seems obvious, right? I only started properly weight training late early last year – and then we had on and off again covid lockdowns (I’m in Victoria) so I am literally learning as I go and building the muscle (hahha! See what I did there?!?).
For me, I was reminded of the need to be focussed, present and intentional about what I’m doing – and of course, strategic! If I want to hit the goals that I want to hit, I really do need to be aware of what I’m doing.
As I was thinking about this just this morning, I hurt my back doing a deadlift. I lost form. I was using my back instead of my legs and was reminded very painfully, that I have to think about what I’m doing each and every time! I need to think about the muscle activation. I need to think and focus on what I’m doing without just ‘going through the motions’.
Going through the motions won’t get you the results you ultimately want. Yes, there’s an element of letting go of the outcome and committing to the process, but going through the motions almost creates and comes from apathy.
Do you want what you really say you want?
Are you focussing and being present with taking the actions to get you there?
No? Well, when is that going to change?
I like – and need – reminders.
I like – and need – accountability.
I like – and need – to be disciplined.
I like – and need – prompts to remain focussed.
In my coaching business I find that this is mirrored with my clients, too.
Some of their symptoms are hitting autopilot and needing reminding of what they’re here to do. Reminding of the actions to take. Holding them accountable to getting the things done that they need to get done.
For most, it’s not about reinventing the wheel… it’s about doing things in an optimised way that is geared towards getting the results you want.
Make a plan.
Have daily reminders.
Have something or someone to keep you accountable.
Measure the results.
Rinse and repeat and then pivot and adjust in need.
Hope this helps with your content creation.
If you think about it, if you’re just ‘going through the motions’ with your content, people can feel it. There’s a certain energy that goes out with everything you do… and if you want people to be magnestised, inspired and motivated by you, then you have to be intentional around it and NOT hit auto pilot!!!!
Content that moves, inspires and motivates people is necessary in this day and age. People are sensitive to everything you’re putting out there and can smell insincerity a mile away. You’ve also got to make sure that people are able to feel like they can get to know you through your content. They need to learn how to trust you.. and the best way to do this is to be yourself, share a bit about yourself and your life… and continuously show up.
Incrementally and consistently building that muscle every single day.
I’m off to rest this back of mine. It’s a painful reminder for me to be present with what I’m doing and remain focussed on form!
Have a great day.
Remember, the world is ready for your brand of awesome!
PS. You would have seen that I’ve been talking about the latest Queen of #Contentology competition that’s kicking off at the start of the month. This is a daily prompt program for only $97 that has you sharing daily things that your audience can read and interact with to get to know you, like you and trust you. PLUS, you could turn that $97 into $1000 cold hard cash just by posting daily on your business page! Watch your engagement grow. Your audience respond even more and your sales increase. I’ve been running this on and off for the past 18months or so and the results are always staggeringly awesome!! Find out more and register here: https://join.nicolamoras.com.au/contentology