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Rising from the Ashes

Rising from the Ashes

It’s all been burned to the ground… and then some!

As you’ll know, I took some time out of my business – 10 months actually – during which time I did not make $1. Not even $1. I took the time to recover. To work out what I wanted… I did not have a client. I didn’t spend much time on social media.

And to best honest, I was hoping that the return would be spectacular.

It wasn’t.

I decided in February to dip my toes back in the water and I was so excited, energised and pumped for the year! I felt like I was BACK.

I felt like I was READY.

I was very much saying to the universe “This is IT!!!! Bring. It. On”.

I launched the May 2024 Hotseat sales page and was thrilled that within a couple of days I had two amazing, long-term clients sign up… these two already knew each other but hadn’t even had a conversation about doing it together… yet, there they both were! (They discovered the synchronicity after the fact).

That was around mid-Feb, and I was excited to be talking about work. I was hitting PB’s at the gym. I was having the time of my life at Roller Derby…

Then on the 9th of March I broke my wrist badly … the pain and horrible recovery that ensued really knocked me about.

I couldn’t write. I couldn’t type. I could SPEAK… but I felt like shit, so I didn’t want to do much of that!

I found it really hard.

I was wondering if this was a sign from The Universe. From God. From Source. From a power much higher than myself… that perhaps I wasn’t ‘supposed’ to be launching back into work just yet.

I felt so incredibly conflicted.

The things that I was constantly reminding myself was that I have been here.

I have been in THAT PLACE where I was making no money. Where I had no clients. Where I had no collateral. Where I had NOT ONE THING created!!

Yes, it was in 2010 (lol) … but I have been here before.


I have FOURTEEN YEARS under my belt….

I have books I’ve written.

I have an insane amount of content.

I have literally 544 (and increasing!) audios’ on Soundcloud (mainly made up of The Coffee Run LIVE).

I am up to Episode 629 of The Coffee Runs that I do on Facebook LIVE… plus the ‘Seasons’ of other things I have recorded.

I have 643 (and counting) videos public on YouTube.

I have created multiple courses and trainings.

I’ve worked with 1000’s of people over the past 14 years.

AND YET, I was still worried that upon my return that I none of that would matter.

And maybe it doesn’t matter… because even if I was back where I was in 2010, I would still want to do the same thing that I’ve always wanted:

To inspire and motivate people to live their best lives and see their bright, shining potential …

I have always wanted people to see the amazingness in themselves that I see in them.


I don’t think that has ever changed for me. Ever!

I do believe the other curious thing that I have found through various conversations with people is that the money coupled with the above is no longer THE motivator for me. Yes, money is great… but that doesn’t motivate me anymore.

The thing that makes my heart sing is doing what I love with people I love doing it with and being paid well for it!

MANY OF us lose confidence in ourselves when faced with the prospect of change.

Many of us wonder how we USE the ‘old stuff’ that we have and how bring in our ‘new thing’ … and how we enmesh these things together.

Many of us, when we reach ‘Entrepreneurial Adulthood’ (10 years+ doing what we’re doing) wonder what’s next.

Many of us feel messy, feel confused and feel a bit lost with HOW to pull it all together…


And maybe, just maybe we really ‘need’ a crisis of some sort to really be ‘forced’ into re-evaluating everything.

It could be a health scare, a near-death experience, a divorce, the kids leaving the house and you find yourself in the quiet… which can be deafening…

Maybe just maybe THINGS NOT WORKING is the exact thing you need, to create the space for you to get clear on what comes next.

I don’t think it’s just me.

I know it’s not, because I have literally had conversations with about a dozen women who all have confided in me that they FEEL THE SAME WAY.

What’s next?

Sky’s the limit, baby.

But maybe we need to burn it all to the ground…

Maybe we need to sit while the smoke from that fire obscures the sky…

So that we can sit, dream and imagine what your business and life can be like if you were able to create, do and BE the person you want to become…

Maybe once we’ve done that, the smoke clears, and you can see that sky.

Maybe the future thing you really REALLY want (that you’ve always wanted) just looks a bit different to the way that you thought it would.

I wonder if burning it to the ground would be the exact thing you need to inspire new growth.


Just maybe….

Maybe we all need things to get messy. To go wrong. To be weird. To be uncomfortable. To be painful. To be shitty. To feel bleak. To feel yucky. To be unsettling, jarring, disturbing and unfamiliar….

Maybe we need the mess so that we can be brave enough to grab the future that we’ve been putting off.

To be brave enough to try.

To dream.

To finally stop doing things because it’s how we’ve always done them…

I know for me if I hadn’t literally felt like I was dying a bit more day by day… If I didn’t feel like my body was betraying me… if I didn’t feel like I HAD TO STOP I wouldn’t have.

I would never have taken time out, because I believed I needed the money, I needed the momentum, I needed the visibility, I needed to WORK….

Ooooh…. I BELIEVED that I NEEDED to work because my identity, my self-worth, the VALUE I THOUGHT I BROUGHT TO THE WORLD was entirely wrapped up in my business identity.

I had to work through who I was (who I am) without work.

I had to realise that my work is a vehicle for joy and passion, but it’s NOT WHO I am….

One of my most PROFOUND learnings was that I bring value to the world because I am me.

And so are you.

If you have been wondering what’s next…

Rather than worrying about it, try to be EXCITED ABOUT IT.

If you’ve been in business for 10+ years and you’re wondering how you can use all that experience and knowledge… to CHANGE, PIVOT and grow something completely different…’

Maybe it’s time?

Maybe it is.

Here’s to YOU doing more of what you love, with people you absolutely love doing it with… whatever that looks like for YOU.

If you want some help with that, reach out.

X You’re not alone and you’ve totally got this!

Nic x


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live' 


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live'