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Nicola Moras - Once Upon A Time


I’d like to take a moment to tell you a story.

Make a cuppa. Settle in.

You ready?


Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted it all.

She grew up performing for visitors. Dancing. Singing. Feeling FREE.

When she got to the ripe old age of high school, she started to be a bit more like how she thought people wanted her to be.

She made a bunch of mistakes and bad decisions – I think this is pretty normal!

She graduated and got a ‘real’ job in the world of corporate. This tore her heart and soul out of her body and everyone stomped all over it.

No room for creativity. No room for fun. For personality. For laughs. For TRULY going the extra mile for her customers and clients. Clock in. Clock out. Don’t step outside the square or you’ll get ‘performance managed’ for not toeing the line!

There was always a feeling of ‘there’s got to be something more’….

Nicola Moras Corporate Grind

But every day she kept going back because she thought she had to.

BUT THEN ONE DAY she realised that there COULD BE MORE. There could be something better out there for her.

And because of that she started looking around at other options. She started becoming AWARE of the other things that were an option for her.

And because of THIS, she stumbled across a way to be an entrepreneur. A small business owner. The more she looked at it, she WANTED TO BE IDENTIFIED as an ENTREPRENEUR and surround herself with people JUST. LIKE. HER.

The thoughts kept whirring around and around and around. She kept thinking and thinking about this more and more UNTIL FINALLY SHE COULD STAND IT NO LONGER. Dreaming about it. Talking about it. Speaking in her sleep about it!!!!!

You see, she no longer wanted to feel unappreciated. Uninspired. Caged. Like a drone. Clocking in and clocking out and constantly being asked to treat the business like HER OWN BUSINESS but getting into strife when she did it!

And so she resigned. Because she KNEW she had to find a way to tap back into her creativity and imagination and REALLY help other people do what they do best.

Because of this, she allowed herself to REINVENT HERSELF as a coach and mentor to others.

And then.. she DID IT!

She found a way to contribute to the world in the way that SHE wanted to contribute.

She found her THING. Her voice. Her magic.

She was able to FIND A WAY THAT ALLOWED HER TO BE WHO SHE WAS. In all her glory. All of her brilliance.

Unapologetically. Wholeheartedly. With VIVACIOUSNESS. With vibrancy. With NO HOLDS BARRED!

She’s leading from a place of absolute confidence in herself and her ability to transform the lives of those she comes into contact with – which, of course, is in a HUGE RANGE of different ways.

If so… I’d love to invite you to join MY TRIBE of women who are JUST LIKE YOU.

They’ve fought tooth and nail for what they have. For what they’ve built. And they’re ALL on a journey to create MASSIVE IMPACT and authority in the world.

They’re all want to be leaders. They all want to be seen as an expert.

They’re all DOING IT!

Reach out if you’d love an invitation to apply to become part of the Tribe. They’re pretty bloody amazing – you won’t regret it.  (email me: or call us: 0421 068 272 and we can have a chat)

Nic x

Nicola MorasReinvention Alchemist