Has “Oh! I wasn’t expecting that” run through your head more times that you can count?
I know for me, there have been MANY times when I’ve put something ‘out there’ and I got a result that I was MOST CERTAINLY not expecting – both positive and negative, actually.
What I am learning more and more is that there’s not just the conscious expectation of what’s going to happen but also the unconscious stuff & things that can happen! (You speak my lingo now, right?!?!?!!?)
Anyway.. I’m doing some more training and learning (I’m a sucker for personal & professional development stuff and implementing it straight away into my business & life!!) and I’ve been seeing more and more that when I am OPEN to what’s going on in the back of my head – usually I’d just kind of squash that stuff and not deal with it!!!!! – I’m realising that I have absolute power & CONTROL over my results in all areas of my life, which is so exciting!!!
I have been reading Brene Brown’s books recently and she talks a lot in there about the feeling of foreboding joy and how we are conditioned to EXPECT that the ‘other shoe’ is going to drop. That happiness and joy is not a sustainable, long term option, WHICH SUCKS, right?
I mean, think about it. Movies are ENTERTAINING and make TONS of money on telling the story of how the girl nearly gets the guy, but then something bad happens and they don’t end up together. Then they do some other crazy things to maybe, finally end up together. I mean, we all like a happy ending…. but why does it need to be drummed into us from when we’re IN THE WOMB that things are going to be ‘hard’. ‘A lot of learning. A long road ahead. It will be difficult, but we’ll get through. Work hard and you’ll be rewarded.
Why the hell do we have to wait?
I say NO MORE!!! No more waiting. LET’S CREATE WHAT WE WANT NOW.
If you’re reading this blog and you’ve read other blogs of mine, then you’ll know that I believe that we can HAVE IT ALL.
After all, I KNOW that if you’ve stumbled across this it’s because you have A LOT of good to do out there in the world. You’re in the business of TRANSFORMATION in one shape or form or another. (Consultants, hair dressers, beauty therapists, naturopaths, doctors, psychologists, horse trainers, product based businesses, web developers, graphic designers, coaches, business coaches, confidence coaches, teachers and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN!) You’re ALL in the business of TRANSFORMATION so you DESERVE to be rewarded for this and NOW!!!!!!!!!
The thing is this. You get what you expect. You also get what you WANT. What you really really WANT.
So focus on what you WANT even more 🙂 Change and shift your expectations. You deserve EVERYTHING – and then some.
Leave your comments below with your thoughts, ideas, ramblings and anything else you want to share!!!!