For a LONG time I felt guilty that I chose to focus on growing my business rather than focussing on myself and my family.
I mean, I still spent time on my family (not on myself per se) it just meant that pretty much EVERY WAKING hour was spent on the business.
Creating programs. Testing my marketing. Trying to make sales. Coaching clients and non clients. Trouble shooting. Putting out fires. Not holding boundaries and therefore getting the impact of that!
I made calls while my kids were at school and in day care. I made calls when they were home.
I’d throw dinner at them (hahaha! Not literally, but close) and then head back to work.
Now, this is the way to NOT grow your biz. It’s the fast track to burnout and is NOT fun by any stretch of the imagination.
So, I get it. I know that it can FEEL hard when you’re growing.
Create boundaries EARLY and hold them! Set up time that is YOU time rather than everything else happening and you slot YOU in when you can.
Find someone (It doesn’t have to be me. I don’t even care if it’s the ‘competition’ that you work with). Just find SOMEONE to help you to shortcut the process so that you can create the income you want and the LIFE you want.
I used to beat myself because I found my son one day behind the couch having eaten a whole packet of biscuits while I was working. Oops.
I used to feel bad because I was so passionate about my business that back then, if I had to choose between my husband and my business I probably would have chosen the business.
I used to feel BAD that my work is my WORK. It’s my WORLD. It’s my PASSION. It’s what I LOVE to do. And I’m fricking good at it.
I used to think it was ‘bad’ to say that I thought that I was good at what I do.
I felt guilty for getting a ‘nanny’ in to help with the kids. She doubled as my PA as well, so the guilt was somewhat halved.
So you can see by now, I’m sure, that there’s been a lot of ‘stuff’ that has kept me STUCK and ‘SAFE’ and not REALLY putting myself out there for a long time.
So what changed?
I kind of said FUCK IT. Well, I don’t actually think it was a ‘kind of’… it just WAS a big, fat FUCK. IT.
I am going to go ALL OUT. Again.
The hell with what anyone else thinks of me. (even though it still bites me on the ass now and then).
I am just going to do what I DO best and that’s get myself out there and help as many people as I can to have more CONFIDENCE in themselves to get THEIR stuff out there.
To help them with their marketing and their messaging and their funnels and their sales and their programs and their offers.
Because I have this uncanny talent of knowing EXACTLY what it is that you need to put together, that you can sell for GOOD MONEY so that you, too, can get out there and do what YOU are FRICKING AMAZEBALLS AT.
Which, at the end of the day, is what we all want, right?
To have financial freedom so that you have CHOICES.
Choices for schools for your kids.
To buy healthy food.
To invest in creating wealth.
To have EXPERIENCES with those you love – family, partners, friends and otherwise.
To realise that EVERYTHING that you have is about a GREAT mindset.
The choice to invest in stuff that fills your SOUL and HEART.
A HOT and HEAVY and PASSION FUELLED relationship without the stress of money hanging over your heads 24/7.
So, yeah.
There are a lot of things I’ve done in the past, that NOW, knowing what I know now, I may have made different choices… ALTHOUGH, I actually think I WOULD NOT.
I think I would choose EVERYTHING that I chose back then, again.
Because I LOVE where I am RIGHT NOW.
I feel like I’m on fire.
I love it when my CLIENTS feel like THEY are on fire.
I have more ‘balance’ (I HATE that word with a passion.. I’m not sure there’s another word that really describes what I mean, though) in my life than ever before.
I’m helping MORE people and in a bigger way.
I am STILL crazy ass obsessed over my business.
I drop my kids off at school and pick them up. I’m there when they need me.
I get frustrated if I have to pick them up from school when they’re sick, because it’s generally when I’m SMACK BANG in the middle of working!!!!!
Honestly though, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
If you’re so DRIVEN to make this business WORK and you find yourself getting up at 5am because you’re SO EXCITED about what you’re creating, then so be it!
If you’re up late and it’s your CHOICE to work late, then DO IT.
Be proud of WHO you are and what drives you.
EVEN IF.. and this is a big ‘IF’…..
Even if there are people out there who DISAGREE that this kind of life is OKAY.
They’re not you. They don’t have your life. They have their own.
Focus on what DRIVES YOU and let’s start making shit happen.
Nic XO