So your marketing sucks? Not getting clients in the door? Not sure what the hell is going on? It's not just you..... I regularly scroll through Facebook (doesn't everyone!?!) and take a look at the ads that are up in there. There's some selling the magic pill...
The words are everything
Everything here is designed to help you create the rockstar mindset so that you can be the brightest star in your industry.
Do You Need To Know Where To START?
If you're sitting there spinning your wheels wondering where and HOW to start, then this is a good starting point. Every time I have a first conversation I have with people, like EVERY FIRST CONVERSATION, it always revolves around how to start. Be it the next...
I Don’t Know What To Say….
You know you need to put some marketing 'out there' right? You KNOW you need to do something different to get yourself in front of people...but how the HELL do you decide what to put out there? I talk with people all day, every day, who just don't know what to...
My Big Fat Secret
My secrets #2 I’m a big fat liar!!!!!! A fake. I feel like I’ve been found out…. I have had an ‘interesting’ year to say the least. This year, I’ve pretty run my business the way that one should NOT run their business. I’m a high achiever and I feel like I’ve achieved...
How I’ve Been Able To Help More Than 16,000 Entrepreneurs Every Week
I get that it can seem a little outlandish when you may not have a big database yet... however, you CAN grow it every single day when you have the right things in place... I remember what it was like not that many years ago when I heard the numbers I needed for...
The Secret Sauce
Have you ever had a vision of what your life could and would be like if everything worked out EXACTLY as you wanted it to? Every had the BURNING DESIRE to do something but been shit scared of it not working? Me too. Ever wanted something so badly that it paralyses you...
The Accidental Book!
See that picture there? That's what this whole post is about! So while we were away on our EPIC family holiday a month (mainly epic..sometimes not so epic when it comes to sharing a room with 4 other people for a month... but MAINLY epic!!!!) I decided that I...
Frankly, My Dear…I Don’t Give A Damn
There are three basic human fears. The fear of not being good enough. The fear of not being loved. And the fear of not belonging. Years ago, when I did my first round of PD and training to be a style coach, I learned a mot powerful and profound phrase that I...
What You Expect
Has "Oh! I wasn't expecting that" run through your head more times that you can count? I know for me, there have been MANY times when I've put something 'out there' and I got a result that I was MOST CERTAINLY not expecting - both positive and negative, actually. What...
How To Get More Done
You know what it's like when you start doing something and then KABLAM! Something else comes across your screen and you get distracted... then something happens on Facebook and you end up knee deep in there for, well, let's be honest.... HOURS!?!?!?!? If you're...
10 Ways To Get More Clients
There's nothing worse than worrying and feeling frustrated when you FEEL like you just don't have enough clients. Have YOU had moments where you think "Just 2 new clients would change EVERYTHING"? You're NOT ALONE! I started marketing myself as a business...
On Struggle..
Some of the hardest things I've had to do & still do/struggle with * Leave my abusive ex. * Sell my first house & move back home with my parents. * Move interstate & away from my family to a place Where I knew no one except my husband & his family. *...
I Don’t Know What To Wear….
With a flutter of excitement you realise that the event that you've been waiting for is just a couple of days away. You've been so busy doing what you do that time has whizzed by and you're thinking WOOOHOOOO!!! It's just a few more sleeps and I'm THERE.......
Once Upon An Entrepreneurial Time…
I'd like to take a moment to tell you a story. Make a cuppa. Settle in. You ready? Excellent! Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted it all. She grew up performing for visitors. Dancing. Singing. Feeling FREE. When she got to the ripe old age of high...
The Silver Lining Of Letting Go
It HURTS when you know it's time to let go and you don't really want to. It feels like you're having your arm cut off - well. Maybe not quite, but it hurts like a bitch. Take this for example as a story I hear from a lot of female entrepreneurs, experts &...
What’s Wrong With ME?!
If you have a look at the kinds of things that make your soul sing, I KNOW that one of those things is ACHIEVEMENT. Now, when we feel like we're not achieving, the natural flow on seems to be self-beration.... Questions like "Oh my god. I'm not there yet. How...
Introducing The Fabulous Rita Merienne
There's nothing worse than feeling alone when you're going through 'stuff'. I had the honour of interviewing a client of mine, Rita Merienne, founder of Aged Care With Ease. This is one of the most passionate and inspiring women I've ever had the pleasure of...
Sliding Doors
You know the movie sliding doors? The one where there was like 2 alternate realities and outcomes depending on what way Gwenyth Paltrow went? THIS is THAT moment. Kind of like a choose your own adventure. I wanted to take a moment to paint 2 pictures for you....
Hi. My Name’s Nicola…
Hi. My name is Nicola and I am addicted to my business. I have come to the realisation that I really DO have an addictive personality. I AM IN LOVE with my business MOST DAYS... And, I've often felt guilty for not having the same level of addiction to more 'normal'...
An Interview With Marsha
I had the pleasure of interviewing some of my clients recently, it's always interesting what comes up and out of them! I've been working with Marsha for a little over 6months when this was filmed, and we both had the best fun doing this interview! Grab a cuppa, settle...