It's not very often I get to talk with people about magic, science, farming and eco-systems... but I tell you, Fleur Porter is the one to do it with! I decided a few months ago that I cannot hide my clients forever! I want to shout their names and their...
The words are everything
Everything here is designed to help you create the rockstar mindset so that you can be the brightest star in your industry.
They Say A Change Is As Good As A Holiday…
They say that change is as good as a holiday.. and you know what? I'm not so sure about that! You know how there are moments where you're like OH MY GOD! I need a holiday.. and for whatever reason a holiday is just not on the cards right now and so you decide...
Imperfect Action & School Holiday Madness
It's the school holiday MADNESS cycle! That business of juggling kids, tantrums, constant snacks, stuff EVERYWHERE, travelling, camping (NOT glamping) and carving stuff out for you... BWAHAHAHA!! YEP. Cray Cray. So, today I decided to take IMPERFECT action. I...
Let It Go… Let It GOOOO!
NEWFLASH. You DO NOT have to do EVERYTHING in your business to make it successful! You just don't need to. So.. WHAT do YOU need to do so that you can let go (insert the Frozen jingle in here!) In this weeks training I take you through how to relinquish the...
Goal Setting, Moons & Lamposts
Have you ever heard those NASTY words uttered (by yourself or anyone else) "If only you'd tried a bit harder" or "If I'd just done this thing EARLIER I would've put in a bit more effort and got a better result". Yep. The curse of the goal setting gremlin! The...
Is Your List Cold & Stale Like Two Day Old Bread?
You've got people onto a 'list' or a 'database', right? And you've given them something in exchange for that... But have you fallen into the sneaky trap of NOT communicating with them regularly? Have they gone 'stale' or 'cold'?? Arrrghhhh!!! What to do???? You're not...
Dealing With The Evil Enemies Of Happiness
Do you find that you're fielding negative vibes from all angles MUCH of the time while you're building your business? It's NOT JUST YOU!!!! 99.9% of entrepreneurs (NOT a researched, statistical number!) find that in their start up phase (until they kind of hit the...
Get Your Hands Dirty & Recover Your MOJO
The holiday season is almost over and SO MANY entrepreneurs are feeling the 'MOJO PINCH'. It's not a nice pinch! It's a kind of 'WAKE UP!!!! Back to reality pinch'. Well, for some of us it is, anyway! If you're anything like me, you LOVE having some time off. A...
It’s Not You…It’s Me…
Your business isn't really 'doin it for you' right now, huh? Are you getting that whole 'I've fallen out of love with my business' feeling - AGAIN!?!?!? The thing is that you have been pushing so hard to make it work - and it is working - but sometimes...when we get a...
HOW To Create Awesome Videos (Without Using A Teleprompter!)
Every single day I have people ask me about my videos and how I create them - and how I come up with the content. Well. The content part is easy (see a blog recently about that)... actually saying the words of it WITHOUT a script or a teleprompter can often be a...
How To Pull Content Out Of People’s Brains
Does the thought of having to create content make you want to shrivel up and die? Does the thought of having to COME UP with NEW content every. Single. Day make you want to scream from the rooftops like a banshee? Yep!! I hear you. I created this blog (going LIVE in...
Need More Confidence With Events?
Wondering about how to structure your event? THIS IS FOR YOOOOU!!! I've been putting on events in various different events in many forms over the last 4 years, and there's a tried and tested formula that works awesomely! I'd love to share it with you today in...
Just Do It!!
This week is just about DOING IT!! You're not always going to feel motivated. You're not always going to feel like you want to play. You're not always going to feel like you want to show up. In fact, there will be times when you just want to stop. You...
Do You Hate Your Clients? Wish You Had More You Loved?
I recently did a survey on people who were already in my database and the RESOUNDING feedback that I had from them, was that they wanted MORE CLIENTS. More AWESOME clients that they loved and who do the work. I don't believe that this is an uncommon thing... So why...
Create Your Own Program
Have you had enough of working 1:1 with all of your clients? Are you ready to change MORE lives and on a BIGGER scale? Excellent! Then you probably want create your own program, right? Awesome. Here's the thing... It's not actually as hard as you're probably...
Do Epic Sh!t
Are you bored? Stuck? Things not going QUITE the way you thought they would be? HERE IS THE CURE! There a BUNCH of entrepreneurs out there, who are doing ok but are STUCK. And let me take a moment to reassure you, if this sounds like you... you're NOT ALONE. The great...
Do You Want To Build A Snowman?
"Do you want to build a snowman?! Do you want to play outside?!" These are the words being repeated constantly by offspring this week while we play in the snow! We commenced our annual snow trip on Sunday just gone and it's ALWAYS an epic-ly LONG trip to get here!...
There Is No Such Thing As Fight Club
Have you been wondering how to keep out the oxygen thieves from your business? Fight club is THE answer. What process do you have in place at the moment for only letting the AWESOME ones into your business? We've ALL been there. We've all let our guard down and...
How To Create A Video For Your Blog
"How do they all manage to create killer video's that look so professional"? Is the question that rings on the lips of so many entrepreneurs. What lights to buy? What camera to have? What backdrop? HOW THE HELL DO THEY DO THAT?!?!?!?!!?!? I get it. I spent hours and...
Keep Your Shiz Together
Do you have trouble keeping your shiz together all the time? Yep. You're not alone, girlfriend. In fact. This is one of the things I chat with my clients about nearly every time we speak!! They tell me about their peaks, their troughs and how they're managing to still...