Facebook advertising completely sucks as an advertising medium....Says a whole truck load of people who don't use them properly...or haven't been taught how to use it properly. They are actually one of the most leveragable forms of advertising out there at the moment....
The words are everything
Everything here is designed to help you create the rockstar mindset so that you can be the brightest star in your industry.
Why You Need Haters
You've gotta have haters in business. Maybe not screamy, horrible nasty haters...but you really want to have people who don't like you. It means that you're doing something right. If you don't have them now....let's see why we need them Alright. So, you work really...
The 3 Keys To Business Success
You've been searching for success for a while now. And I know that you often wonder just what's missing. Well...today's blog has been written for YOU.Check out this episode of NicolaTV to discover what the 3 keys are! Click here to TWEET today's message Please...
Show Me The Money!
There are so many women that I speak with, that just don't know what they should be aiming for when it comes to financial goals. Which generally means you're leaving a shite-load of money on the table. So...how do you get around this? I know for me, I've had financial...
Are You Undermining Your Success?
I haven't been very good in the past at celebrating my successes - big AND small. I think it partly comes from being the oldest child and a self confessed over achiever. A lot of women entrepreneurs that I speak to are in the same boat. They achieve the goals that...
The Secrets I Wanted Nobody To Know
I talk a lot about authenticity and being yourself. And I feel like I really haven't 100% honest and open with the world. Not that I've lied about stuff.....but I've definitely held 'stuff' back. For a long time I've harboured a secret. A secret that I used to feel...
Tall Poppy Sydrome – Alive & Kicking
Why is that some women are so QUICK to bring down others? Why do they judge so harshly others' choices? What's right for one may not be right for another. And I think the quicker we all get on the same 'page' and support each other the better off we're all going to...
Your Business. Your Way.
Something ladies ask a LOT is how I do what I do!!! The simple answer to that is this: I have built my business around what I want!!! Somethings to consider when you're building your business. Regardless if you're in your first year, second year or even fifth...
What’s The One Thing You Could Be Doing In Your Business?
A question I get asked a lot is, "If I was to do ONE THING in my business to improve it, what would that be??" Which is a great question, right? I mean, what a lot of women who I know who are in businesses forget to do are 3 basic things. Check out today's video below...
A confession…..
You know....I didn't really fit in at school. I didn't really get along with the other girls, because I felt like I was different. I had a couple of great girlfriends, which I was grateful for. But that was it. I played the violin (def not 'normal'!!), the clarinet,...
Why Perfectionism Is Killing Your Business
There are many women out there, either already running their own businesses or wanting to run their own businesses....who consistently wait for 'all their ducks to be in a row'....and wait for the timing to be just right. There are many women out there, that want...
Balance in Business is a Myth
I know! I know! This is possibly going to cause a slew of emails with people disagreeing with me. I look forward to it! I used to strive for balance in my day and in my week and in my month and generally, in my life. This crappy thing is, that when you're building...
What You Need To Know To Make $100k in the next 12 months
I'm really excited to bring you this weeks learning. It's not all about stylish calculators, either!! This week, I'm sharing with you how you can get some really great CLARITY around exactly what you need to do to make $100k this year. (or....whatever YOUR...
My 3 Step Strategy For Networking Success
This week I'm chatting to you about my 3 Step Success Plan for Networking Success. Bit of a mouthful, isn't it?!?!?!? Sorry about that! Hahaa!! One of the questions this week has been around networking...and if you're going to event where you're not 'selling' your...
The new breed of entrepreneurs…WOMEN!
Are you part of the movement? Do what it takes? SCREAM your mission from the rooftops?? Get all over the SECRET to turning into a roaring success...I'm SO excited to be a part of this movement. What kind of movement and mission are YOU on? That excites you, drives you...
Want high paying clients??
We've talked about this before....however, this takes things a step further...I know that you're wanting to get more clients and customers...to help more people and therefore, make more money! So...how do you get to the point where you can stand TRUE IN YOUR VALUE....
When is this rollercoaster going to stop???
You know how it is when you have a small business, right? You know exactly what's going to happen. You're going to have a great month. Then....you may have a quiet month. Being an entrepreneur, the 'common' emotion to feel is like you're not good enough. The thing is,...
Support where you need it…
The power of the support network has never been more apparent. By more than just those who love us, though. You see. Contrary to popular belief, that it's 'easy' to have your business....it's NOT. Not everyone gets this, though, right? .....You see. I...
Polarisation is NOT for the faint hearted
Polarisation. What is it and what the hell am I talking about? Well. You know what it's like when you first start in business. You KNOW that you can help everyone. You know your STUFF works, right? You know that it's going to transform people's lives and enhance their...
What is your success worth to YOU?
Today's blog is inspired by the gorgeous and talented Marie Forleo. What is your business success really worth to you? Are you caving into your fear? Would you rather buy a coffee a day or grow your business into the business of your dreams? Too many times, have I...