Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE Lady Gaga. I love what she stands for. I love the fact that she’s HERSELF. I LOVE the fact that she’s ok within herself to BE who she needs to BE to be able to do what she loves.
Yes. She has quirks. Yes, she is unique. Yes, not everyone likes her. But shit! You’ve got to respect her for what she does and the people that inspire her.
In fact. I aspire to be like her … Inspiring others to see how beautiful and unique we all are.
We are born to be like this. We are beautiful. YOU are YOU. You are amazing. Don’t be one of the ‘sheep’ that follows. Choose to lead. Choose to do what’s right for YOU. Stand up and be counted! Make a difference in someone else’s life. Inspire. Lead. Be gracious. Love. Love Yourself.
N xx Mwah!! xx