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I was sitting at my desk this morning journaling and felt like I was tongue tied. It was so odd. Like I was constipated and you try to push and nothing comes out!!! Pages and pages and pages of journaling but not the thing that I was anticipating… waiting for you… to be honest… I was sitting there in expectation that the magic was about to fall out at any given moment… which is EXACTLY what happens literally on the daily… except today apparently…


I asked myself (in my journal) So what is it that needs to be said today?


Is it tough love? Hugs? It’s ok… What do you feel like YOU need?


To me, I think what what need varies every day, but for ME, I think the key here it to be clear on what it is that gets YOU moving.


Personally, I like a little competition. A challenge. I also need and like accountability.


But accountability only works, right, if you really what what you say you want… otherwise, you’ll be able to convcince anyone of all the reasons why you haven’t done the thing you said you wanted.


  • The online course
  • The mastermind
  • The retreat
  • The book
  • The intensive
  • The event
  • The workshop
  • The proposal


You’ll come up with all the reasons why you haven’t done the thing you’re saying you wanted.


They might look something like this:


  • Time (juggling time or lack of time)
  • The timing is just not right
  • Procrastination (which takes up the precious time, by the way!)
  • This is TOTAL BS by the way. There’s always a way.. you may not LIKE the options and the ways, but there is ALWAYS a way for you to get money. Believing otherwise is self-deluding.
  • Your husband, wife, spouse, partner
  • Ahh. Kids. The ultimate ‘reason’ why we can’t and usually the very reason we should be doing something
  • The animals (they needed that bath)
  • Your location (This one I never buy into . I live in the middle of nowhere and have grown a multi-six-figure-business that’s global. You can, too).
  • Experience – lack of or perceived lack of
  • Energy – I’m tired
  • Assumptions that it only works for others but not you
  • Have to do things a certain way
  • Fear
  • Fear
  • F E A R
  • Lack of ideas
  • Too many ideas
  • overwhelm
  • confidence
  • someone told you something and you believed them.


I get it. I’ve been the person who could come up with all the reasons why I couldn’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t’… but at the end of the day, it’s ONE BAJILLION PERCENT up to YOU to make a choice. A decision. And then do the action that comes as a result of that decision.


When I last signed up with a mentor, I didn’t ‘have’ the money. I had money put aside for tax. Not mentoring. So my BS about not having the money was BULLSHIT!!!!! I was choosing where to allocate the money. SO I REALLOCATED IT AND SHAZAM!! I had the money to invest and got the heck on with it.


I’ve been in places of fear and held back. Hell. The NATIONAL VISIBLE | LIVE Tour is the perfect example. I’ve wanted to do this for years and haven’t.


Years ago when investing with my first ever business mentor (2011!!!) I was worried my husband wouldn’t back my decision and so even though I was wanting to do something, I took away his right of refusal. I made the decision for him that he would say no. That’s what I told Amber when talking to her. She then followed me up two days later, called me out on it and off I went to my husband and had the conversation and, knock me over with a feather, he said YES!!!




So don’t buy into whatever crap you’ve got going on.


Make the choice and the decision to back YOURSELF.


Make the choice and decision to get out of your own freaking way.

Declare the BULLSHIT as just that: bullshit.


And share with the world YOUR BRAND OF AWESOMENESS.



Now, if you’re pumped, motivated, amped and FRUUUUKING EXCITED at the thought of having more energy with your marketing, being on message, getting your content completely mapped out for 2020, come and join me in Australia in November at a city near you.


Or. If you are more than ready to get the consistent accountability, training and ass kicking that you freaking C R A V E from someone who’s been there, done more than $5M in online sales, who has been in the trenches and gets it, so that you can learn from my mistakes, then THE REBEL SQUAD OF WORLD CHANGERS is for YOU!!!

Click here, EMAIL ME why you this is a HELLS YES for you and I’ll send you more info.


Love you x