So…something that I’ve been focusing on again this week, is gratitude. It was brought back to the front of my mind by my mentor!
Being grateful for those things that we have, and for the things that we are about to receive is sooo important.
I have set myself a challenge, and I encourage you to do the same. Run through a list of things that you’re grateful.
For example:
your brain
your ideas
your skin
your body with arms and legs
the ability to think
to have your own business
yummy food to cook and eat
a family to love and cherish
a hot shower
And so on…..
What are you grateful for?
What has come up for you as a result of this exercise – HOW DID IT MAKE YOU FEEL? When you started thinking about this….what came up for you? What were your thoughts? What pictures did you get in your head???
Leave your comments below and let me know your thoughts!!
N xo
PS. For me, it made me realise just how fricking lucky I am!! 🙂 xx