by Nicola | Apr 10, 2013 | Superstars
You’ve gotta have haters in business. Maybe not screamy, horrible nasty haters…but you really want to have people who don’t like you. It means that you’re doing something right. If you don’t have them now….let’s see why we...
by Nicola | Apr 2, 2013 | Superstars
You’ve been searching for success for a while now. And I know that you often wonder just what’s missing. Well…today’s blog has been written for YOU.Check out this episode of NicolaTV to discover what the 3 keys are! Click here to TWEET...
by Nicola | Mar 31, 2013 | Superstars
There are so many women that I speak with, that just don’t know what they should be aiming for when it comes to financial goals. Which generally means you’re leaving a shite-load of money on the table. So…how do you get around this? I know for me,...
by Nicola | Mar 27, 2013 | Superstars
I haven’t been very good in the past at celebrating my successes – big AND small. I think it partly comes from being the oldest child and a self confessed over achiever. A lot of women entrepreneurs that I speak to are in the same boat. They achieve the...
by Nicola | Mar 16, 2013 | Superstars
I talk a lot about authenticity and being yourself. And I feel like I really haven’t 100% honest and open with the world. Not that I’ve lied about stuff…..but I’ve definitely held ‘stuff’ back. For a long time I’ve harboured a...
by Nicola | Feb 25, 2013 | Superstars
Why is that some women are so QUICK to bring down others? Why do they judge so harshly others’ choices? What’s right for one may not be right for another. And I think the quicker we all get on the same ‘page’ and support each other the better...