We’ve all be touched by the dreaded ‘I’m not feeling motivated’ness in our businesses, our lives and probably even in our relationships at different times. (C’mon! I know it’s not just me!!).
I would have to say that 80% of the work that I do with my clients is mindset and 20% is tactical/strategy/ass kicking!!
I, too, do my fair share of work on my mindset. Daily, in fact.
Not to mention feeling like you don’t have clarity or that you’re running on autopilot – the creatives’ kryptonite.
I had a think this morning about the actual steps that I work through and that I take my clients through, when they’re in a state of ugh-ness (yes, it’s a word. Just deal with it!) and I came up with 5 steps to go through (plus 1).
1) What stories are you telling yourself about the situation?
2) What decisions have you consciously made?
3) What about unconscious decisions?
5) What and where are the patterns (hint: the way we do anything is the way we do everything! Chances are if you’re feeling unmotivated in business you’re potentially feeling unmotivated in other areas of your world).
BONUS 6) COSTUME CHANGE! Change your state and get into ACTION
Catch the replay in all of the usual places to hear me explain this process in it’s entirety!