Changes Are A-Foot
I made an announcement at the end of 2016 sharing a bit about the changes that I wanted to start to make.
Truth be told, I’ve been putting off making some of these changes because I was scared. I tried to make some changes to my business at the start of 2014 and screwed it up ROYALLY!!! Oops. And that’s ok. I guess I had become a little gun-shy with pulling the trigger on these next changes that I wanted to make.
They’re not HUGE to most people on the outside, I imagine. However, for me, it’s huge.
Some of the changes are around delivery of Programs, what I’m teaching LIVE and how I’m going to be honouring the boundaries that I put in place – to best serve ME, my clients and of course, my family.
Here are some of the changes I’ve been making or about to make:
- I will be running the Facebook Ads Marketing Training LIVE for the last time in June 2017. I have been running this particular training in different ways since 2012 and I really want to step into the things that I do even better than that.
- I am focussing on getting a years worth of work done in 90 days. Yep. High goals. Pretty inspiring, I reckon! And this is where my passion really fits best. Vision – Plan – Strategy – Tactics and then keeping people accountable throughout that time.
- I don’t want to work personally (through programs or 1:1) with anyone for less than 3 months. This is primarily because it can take 90 days to build GREAT momentum and solidify new habits and new learnings. The only exception to this is if we are doing a 2 hour planning session to set up your year.
- I am going to be putting out a LOT more ways that you can work with me – more offers. Different things that people can learn with me. There’ll be a bit of crossover with some programs and offers because there are some things that are PIVOTAL to your success.
- I’m going to be doing more LIVE events that you can come along to. Historically I’ve done 1 LIVE workshop for non-clients per year. This year I want to do more of those to help GET YOU MOVING – and of course get to know me.
- I want there to be more transparency with my marketing. If I make an offer to get on the phone with you and if I CAN help you (and if I believe #1- it’s a good fit to work together, #2- I can see how you’d benefit GREATLY with what I prescribe to you .. then #3- I will make an offer to join one of my programs. #4 – I will most likely incentivize you to make a decision on the spot because there is no better time to get in action than YESTERDAY.
- Why am I doing this? Well, I know that too many people find ways to wriggle out of their dreams. They get busy, they spend money on things that they don’t need or really want and therefore ‘don’t have the money’ to further their businesses.
- I am committed to growing wealth this year. I’m making sure that I test and measure and then in 2018 I want to share more about what I’m doing with that, so that when you’re making money in your business you have another option to start to WORK LESS and get your money working for you. (I know it’s cliché.. but it fits!!!).
- I am changing the frequency and the way that I update you guys and email you. I want to add more value to you without completely bombarding your inbox with different things – keep your eyes open for the new format that will be rolling out
- I believe that the world needs YOUR UNIQUE GIFTS AND TALENTS – without sounding like a condescending bitch. For some people this might mean getting a promotion or a new job where they can do the work that they’re the best suited for. For others, it will be about growing and creating a business.
- We are in the BEST time right now to create & support entrepreneurs.
- There are more resources available to us RIGHT NOW than we’ve ever had before and I really want YOU to have access to as many of these as humanly possible.
- The confession: I left my corporate job in February 2011 and I have been busily growing my business since then. I’ve had some OUTSTANDING wins and some not so outstanding wins. I’ve done the HUSTLE. Long hours. Away from my family all the time. It’s NOT how I want to grow my business. I have made lots of changes over the past few years to ensure that I’m growing things in the way that I WANT to grow them – without it being a drain on my mental health, my body or my family – all while serving clients at the highest of levels.
- I KNOW with absolute certainty that people, when provided with accountability and a clear strategic, implementable plan ROCK THEIR RESULTS. And this is a big reason why I’m making the changes that I am. To ensure, to the best of my ability, that THEY are getting the results that THEY want.
- My pricing structures aren’t going to dramatically change from what they have been over the last couple of years. Primarily which have been around, “until you’ve fully paid, you don’t get full access”. It’s just the way that it is. If this means that you don’t/can’t/won’t buy from me or invest to learn from me, then coolio! Fine by me.
So there you have it. Nothing too majorly drastic – changing the programs I deliver and the way that they’re delivered. More accountability and more support for those who really want to ACCELERATE and FAST.
See you in the next update!