There will be times when you make decisions as a business owner that will be unpopular.
Perhaps you’ll reduce your availability & people will feel put out because they can’t access you as fast – or at all……
Perhaps you’ll withdraw a program or an offer.. and people might feel disgruntled because they can’t buy the thing from you that they WANT….
Maybe you’ll change what you were going to provide as a bonus to a program because things have changed… and maybe people will feel put out because things have changed, and they don’t like change….
You might need to increase your pricing and people will either be ok with it or not…
On the other hand, if and when you give a reason for something and a decision/choice YOU’VE made to do something, people can reconcile in their heads why you have done what you’ve done.
This doesn’t mean they’ll be happy about it. It doesn’t mean they’ll agree with you.
Some will. Some won’t. Some will walk away from you, and some will stay.
It is NOT your job to keep everyone happy. It’s just not.
It’s not your job to always make the popular decisions and choices.
Your business.
Your choices.
Your rules.
Be kind and gracious, transparent and open… but make the decisions you need to make.
You’ve got this and I’m proud of you for making the easy decisions AND the tough ones.
x Nic