This post is for our gorgeous men…who sometimes are so great at being our men that they forget to take care of themselves, too! Here’s some tips a friend of mine, Julianne shared with me and I wanted to share them with you!
1. Quit Smoking – smoking accelerates the ageing process and dulls the skin and increases wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.
2. Use suncreen – sun is the number one enemy to skin, getting a sun tan causes skin to look leathery, causes deep wrinkles and will cause age spots. (I have been getting my husband to do this…it took a bit of convincing but now it’s part of his daily routine! He misses it if he runs out). You can get moisturiser with sunscreen built in! It then kills 2 birds with one stone (see point 5!!)
3. Eat Fresh Fruit and Veges high in vitamin C and E, these vitamins restore collagen in the skin and keeps it looking young.
4. Take a Supplement to boost your anti oxidant levels for all round health and well being.
5. Moisturise and Exfoliate – Hydration is essential for healthy looking skin and exfoliate twice a week to ensure you have fresh live skin that will relish the hydration.
6. Drink More Water – enough said.
7. Exercise – exercise gives you energy, increases blood flow, strengthens bones,reduces anxiety and is essential for overall health.
8. Sleep – when you sleep your body releases growth hormones which stimulates cell turnover and helps the body renew itself.
9. Reduce Alcohol – helps the liver recover and process the toxins from our body
10. Reduce Stress – stress causes wrinkles and makes our body work harder and causes damage which can resurface as illness and disease.
What do you think? Feel better already?!?
Have a wonderful day!
Nicola x