Have you found yourself uttering “I just don’t have the time” … “If only I could get 5 minutes to myself”… or this one “I’m too busy”… Well. I call bullshit!!! We all know that you can create TIME for anything that’s important right… well, I guess that’s right in THEORY… what about in real life?
I was ‘one of those’ a few years ago who didn’t have the time for anything. I was flat out making like 10 calls a day to people who wanted my help (hanging head in shame). I didn’t know how to fit everything in. Blogging. Marketing. Calling. Coaching. Facilitating. Content Creating. Mothering. Wifeing. Taxiing. Daughtering. Friending. I was GREAT at doing none of it well.
But something had to change. I’d already burned out like twice in less than a year and SOMETHING DRAMATICALLY needed to change otherwise I was staring down the barrel of getting a job which would have led to further burnout, dissatisfaction and the feeling of being absolute failure. So you can see… I needed to change how I perceived and managed (and CREATED) my time.
I’m probably not really that dissimilar to you, I love to know that this is resonating (or not) .. so please.. share the love!! Let me know your thoughts and what you’re going to do. Share a bit below about your business and where YOU’RE at. This whole building a conversation together doesn’t really work if it’s all one sided, does it?
Nic xx