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I have nothing to say

I have nothing to say

Ever felt like you’ve been stuck for something to say that you think is going to be interesting in your marketing?

Maybe you think you’re a bit boring….I beg to differ! What I am sharing with you today are four key steps to feeling like you always got something fabulous and interesting to say, and we’re going to get into that.

The biggest thing that most people come up against when it comes to creating their marketing, is that they often tell me that they just get so stuck for something to say. They look at my content. Now I am prolific and have been prolific for years when it comes to content creation.

There’s usually daily videos and daily blogs. There are text posts. There are picture posts. There are photos. There are 1,001 things that go up on my social media platforms every day. Well, not quite, but you get the gist!

A lot of people will look at my stuff and they’ll say, I could never possibly create the volume of content that you do. Guess what? I’m not asking you to! In fact, I don’t even recommend it for you.

The first thing, when it comes to you creating content, is it you’ve got to get to that point where you realize that you too have a laundry list of things that you can say. We’ve just got to pull them out of your head.

What I want to share with you are the four key steps of making this work.

But before we do that, I just want to talk first and foremost about soulmates. Now, if we take my husband and I, I think I could have chosen a hell of a lot worse when it comes to someone to share life with.

And one of the big reasons that he and I get along so well together – most of the time – is the fact that we have a shared sense of humor and a shared sense of values. When we first started going out, we would chat about different things, and he would ask me questions and I would ask him questions and we get to know each other. And then we went out dancing and you know, it was all fun and games, but the bottom line was this for us when it came to creating that connection because we both had a shared sense of how we wanted our worlds to be and how we viewed the world. It made everything so much easier.

Now with this premise in mind, I want you to imagine that your hot coal clients – the people who you will love working with – are people you would literally walk over hot coals for.

I want you to imagine that they too have this shared sense of values and same sense of how they view the world.

When it comes to you thinking, “Oh my man, I’ve got nothing to say”, the first thing we need to do is rewire that mindset.

Step one is always mindset work. One of the things that I will do on a regular basis is I this. I grab my journal and I will write out all the things that I feel like that I need to say that I want to say. And eventually, everything that I want to talk about will start pouring out. I also always set the intention that I’m going to have something amazing to say daily. That for me was a choice.

And I made this choice many, many, many years ago. And part of the reason for this, I’ve been doing this since 2010, been around the traps for a while. You’ll notice with the different hairstyles, if you’d gone back and looked through any of the old videos. One of the big things that I did, is I decided was that I wanted to be known as someone who was an epic content creator, someone who is always out there adding value, someone who is always out there talking to their audience and helping people.

I remember being on a retreat in 2011. One of the things that I desperately wanted to be known for that I wanted people to say about me was to have people say or think “Nicola Moras, she really inspires without even really meaning to like, you’ve just got to listen to her”

I remember thinking “oh my God, like that would just be the best thing ever!”. Then I started to question how can I do that? How can I, how can I make that happen? And following on from that imaginary future and imagining people saying that I made that choice in the decision to get out of my own freaking way and just create massive value, create content, be prolific about it and make no apologies for the fact that I’m constantly showing up in people’s inboxes.

I’m constantly showing up on social media channels, offering hints, tips, advice, help support, motivation, inspiration, anything that I can do to help you realize your own potential.

Now that’s a mindset commitment, right? That’s a commitment to me and a commitment to you to being always, always showing up, always doing the thing that’s uncomfortable and that becomes comfortable after time.

So, the first step is mindset.

The second step, which ties into exactly what I just said before is around your audience. This will annihilate the “I have nothing to say” mantra that runs around in the heads of so many people.

I know if you and I were sitting having a champagne somewhere, a champagne or cocktail, or some other very fabulous drink, and I’m asking you to share with me what you do… and to talk with me about how you help people. If I asked what do you love… what would happen?

The conversation would really get going and flowing. Sometimes it takes a couple of glasses of champagne for people to sort of loosen up and not worry about the impression that they’re making. The trueness comes out of them and starts flowing out of them. Now then, then they become incredibly captivating because they’re like, oh my God, this is awesome. You know, tell me more, tell me more. Who are the people that you really want to work with? And then you would start telling me about those people. I’m like, wow. You know, so what’s going on in their world, you know, how do you help them? And I know then you would probably speak for five minutes without drawing breath about the things that you know that your people really need to hear.

So, mindset and audience go hand in hand, right? The mindset is making the choice in that, the decision that you’re not going to buy into your own anymore. And when you say to yourself, oh, I have nothing to say because it is total. It’s about you getting into the right frame of mind and into the right state, in order for you to be able to share your message with the people you want.

Knowing your audience is step number two. You must know exactly who they are. If you don’t know who that is it can become very difficult.

One of the other things that can happen, is we can become afraid of not connecting with the people we want or feeling like we’re cutting half of our market out or worrying that, you know, people aren’t going to get it, or the only some people will get it.

And what about all those people over there? And they can’t afford it….. and then you’ve got this tug of war between all the ideas and all the things and all the things that you want.

You need to let all that go, come back to the second point, being who the hell is your audience that you really want to be working.

Forget the guilt. There is no sense of shame here. There’s no barrier to you reaching the people that you want.

The third step in this process, a really nutting out exactly what it is that you can talk about constantly and then create a framework around that.

This is exactly what I did for this latest series of blogs.

The first thing that I did was I sat down, literally sat down with my laptop and I asked myself what are all the things that are going on in your minds? What are all the things going on in your heads? What are your fears? What are your challenges? What are you experiencing? What are you frustrated by?

Then I was asking myself what do you really want? What are your goals? What are your dreams? What is it that you ultimately want more and more in this world?

I know that what you really want is freedom. The freedom to choose and the freedom of choice, right? The freedom to choose where it is that you work the freedom to choose who it is that you work with, the freedom to do what it is that you want to do every day, no matter what is going on in the world, so that you can really help the people you want so that you can create impact.

I put myself into your shoes and got, all right, well, what are all the things that are going on? And I just started listing them all in a, this is me typing. I started listing them all in a word document. I ended up with a big, long list of all the things that I wanted to talk about.

When it comes to thinking of the framework start with

  • number one is what is it that you want to talk about.
  • Then the second thing is, well, do you, in your head is like, do you really want to talk about that? And why is this important? Now, the reason that this video blog series is incredibly important is that the world is filled with copycat. And we are in desperate need of truth Sayers when you’re in desperate need of people who are willing to show up and own up to who it is that they are and who is it that really, really want to help.

The next thing you need to think about with your framework is:

what is the key thing that you really want your people to learn is the three steps? Or is it five steps?

What are the things that you need your people to really hear? And what is it, the things that your people really need to learn.

The next thing that you need to include in this framework while you’re jotting all your stuff down:

  • So, what do we want to talk about?
  • Why is it important?
  • What is the key learning for them?
  • And you’ve got to share a story.

If you consider the way that wisdom has been disseminated and handed down throughout time is through stories.

My kids like hearing stories from when my husband and I first met and what we were going through and what we were experiencing.

It’s never about us saying to them “this is the way you have to do life, or these are the choices that you have to make”. It’s always more about how this happens for me. This is what I did. And as a result, this is where I am now. And had I not made those choices; we wouldn’t be here today. I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you today. Or maybe we would, you know, who knows? It’s like those sliding doors moments, right?

Stories are so important when we’re talking to our children, but also when we’re speaking with our prospective clients. Stories are incredibly important in your marketing.

The next thing that you need to do in your framework is make sure that you’re telling people what they need to do next.

We’ve got to assume that people are so in tune with what it is that you’re saying that they kind of get swept along in the ride of you. They get swept up in your energy. They get swept up in your excitement. They get swept up in your personality. They get swept up in everything that you’re talking about. Right? And then if you just kind of go it’s like leaving them in the lurch!

Make sure you give them an action step.

Now, if I’m leading by example, your action step for today is to make sure you go and build a framework, because that’s one of the keys with knowing that you’re going to have something to say every single day, come hell or high water, the full thing that you need to do in this whole, uh, concept that we’re talking about today is to make sure that you are ramping up an element of your character.

It can help with you getting ‘into state’ and into the vibe of you being out there and making it happen.

Which, of course, comes back to your mindset which we talked about at the start!!!

To recap, the four steps to making sure that you always have something to say to your soulmate clients, to your hot coal clients, to no matter what your personality is are:

  • first step is mindset. Having that mindset of I’m going to do this and I’m going to do it fricking brilliantly.
  • The second thing is knowing who your audience is.
  • Step three is creating a framework for you to be able to help them connect with you. And by doing that, you’re going to help build empathy. You’re going to solve problems. You’re going to help them achieve their goals. And they are going to get a ton of results from you before they’ve even bought from you. And that’s awesome.
  • And then the fourth thing is you showing up with a little bit of sass or a little bit of flavor, or a little bit of seriousness, depending on the elements of your nature that you would love to highlight. Share your stories and share YOU!

So that is what you need to go and do today. If you have any questions about these, please feel free to email me . You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. You can also find me on the website, which is .

Most of all, what you need to do is get into action, because as we know things, don’t just land in your lap. We’ve got to take action to make that happen. So now is the time for you to get yourself out there… to go help some people and have a whole ton of fun doing it!

The World Is Ready For Your Brand of Awesome.


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live' 


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live'