Do you have trouble keeping your shiz together all the time? Yep. You’re not alone, girlfriend. In fact. This is one of the things I chat with my clients about nearly every time we speak!! They tell me about their peaks, their troughs and how they’re managing to still get shiz done – BECAUSE THEY’RE TROOPERS. But that’s not all.
There’s a definite strategy that you want to be running when you’re in small business, to keep your head in the game.
Imagine business is like a Roller Derby game. There’s scary chicks coming at you from all angles, you’re going to get knocked down. You have to keep getting back up every time you’re knocked down, otherwise there’s going to be trouble!! You’ll let your team down and you WANT TO HELP THEM WIN!!!!
When you have your own business, it’s the same. Despite the fact that so many entrepreneurs make it look EASY (and MOST will sell you on the fact that it’s ‘easy’) it’s NOT. It’s not damned easy.
So many times, you’ll feel unmotivated, unclear, unSURE of what to do next. What I know is this. I have been there. I still end up there on a semi-regular basis. And, I ‘could’ let it get to me…. however, I choose to implement certain strategies to combat this, and it helps. It helps to accelerate the ‘rise’ of morale quicker than ever before.
And now, I want to share that with YOU.
Have a look at today’s video and remember to leave your comments below with what YOU do to manage your shiz & keep it all together!
Nic x
If you would like to chat about growing your business, taking it to that famed next level, you can register HERE for a FREE 30min session where you’ll learn the EXACT things that are holding you back from making this happen NOW.