There’s nothing quite like a confident woman, walking into a room like she owns the place.
It doesn’t seem to matter what they’re wearing or not wearing. It doesn’t seem to matter what they look like… some people just have, well, an air about them.
As you know I’ve been on the Gold Coast this week, doing ALL of the things I love to do. Working with amazing clients. I had a photoshoot on Tuesday (ok, I’m learning to love these!!! I don’t actually really LOVE them. I tend to feel like I look like a wanker…. But that’s a story for another day!).
So this morning I did something I very very rarely do, and I cancelled my 6 am call with clients so I could sleep in. I still woke up without the alarm at around 5.30a, but went back to sleep, to a kind of restless sleep, actually till around 8a! Got up, went for a walk along the beach.
Oh. My. Goodness. What a delight it is!!!!!
For those that don’t know, I live in a tiny country town, in the middle of nowhere: Country Victoria, Mildura. We are a short 6.5hrs up the road from Melbourne, 4+ hours from Adelaide… miles away from everything.
I do love where I live. The scenery, looking at the river, the fact that it’s 5mins from anywhere for anything all the time! The lifestyle is great.
But, at heart, my soul needs the beach.
It’s been a tough 18months since I’ve been here. (It’s a hard life, I know. Don’t judge me, it’s just #Facts). So coming up here on Monday afternoon, drinking in the salt air, the suite and the ambience that is where I’m staying, it’s been divine.
On Tuesday I had a photoshoot in and around the hotel and then we went out to the studio. What I think is wildly hilarious, is that apparently there were people asking if I was a celebrity as I pranced around the hotel – like I owned the place!
But what you don’t know, is that yes, I was walking around like I owned the place feeling a million dollars in what I was wearing…. But I was paying zero attention to anyone around me because I was working. I was working IT. I was doing what needed to be done in order to get the job done! I had no idea until I was told that people were watching and looking and wondering.
You see, confidence is contagious, and it is MAGNETIC.
Feigned or real… it’s magnetic. (That and silver sequin jackets are pretty attention-grabbing, too, though!). .
One day, we were sitting in the downstairs area here waiting for our lunch and there notably two women who wandered through the lobby in their bathers. The pool is on the ground floor and to get from the elevator bank to the pool, you have to travel through everyone. Ha!
These women, though, looked amazing. They were obviously proud of their bodies. They were proud of what they were wearing. They exuded confidence and they just went through the lobby like they belonged there. Like they owned the place.
I have personally not been super confident in many areas of my world. I know it might not seem that way, and whilst I don’t always worry or think about what other people are thinking about me, there are times when I still do
I notice this in other people, too. That they are situationally confident. Situationally certain.
And I GET IT. Oh, do I get it!
I hate being in places when it’s not about work or skating, and I have to meet new people. I get really nervous. I tend to over-compensate by being loud, smiley and laughy. I used to drink to make it easier, but I have literally only had 5 drinks in the last 18months, so I don’t use that anymore.
I know that for many, when it comes to putting themselves out there online and creating content, that you can feel the same! Livestreams, blogs, writing, photos…. Things you may not feel confident about … yet, we know that the way to get your message out there, the way to get more clients, the way to make more money is to do it, anyway!
One of the activities I got my people to do this week, was to find a FEELING in their body that helped to create an anchor, a feeling of confidence. Here’s what I had them do.
Stand up. Feet hip-width apart. Move back one step and resume your stance. .
I want you to imagine in a circle on the floor in front of you, there are the people you want to work with. Now. I want you to imagine the money you want to make is in there as well. The freedom. Lifestyle. Choice. Beach! (oh wait. Is that just me?!?!).
Everything you want is in that circle in front of you.
Now, before you do anything, I want you to clench your fists, engage your core and punch the air letting out a big YESSSSSS. And again: YESSSS. And again: YES YES YEESSSSSSS!!!
Now, step into that circle and literally HUG that energy with all of those people in there, all of that money, all of those experiences, all of the everything you want, YES YES YESSSSSSSS.
Air punch, YES. Air punch, YES! Air punnnnchhhhhh YES YES YESSSSSSS!!!!
On a scale of 1:10 I imagine you now feel more pumped. The endorphins are running. You FEEL more confident.
What you have just done, is OWN what you WANT. .
And now it’s time for you to strut out there into social media like you OWN THE PLACE!!!
One of the best things that I thought of for myself a few years ago, was I imagined that all of my social media platforms were owned by ME. These were like my television stations. These were like my production companies. These were like MY radio stations. And I could say whatever I wanted, in the way that I wanted, as often as I wanted without anything coming back at me.
Why? Because it’s MY JOB to show up online in the way that I WANT to.
And if people don’t like my tv station, they can change the channel.
If they don’t like my show, they can turn me off.
If they don’t like reading my magazine, they can put it away!
My job is NOT to try to conform to what everyone else wants to read, see and hear.
MY JOB is to show up like I own the fucking place.
This is also YOUR JOB!
It’s your time.
So let’s do it!
PS. Want some help developing the confidence to do this with your content, daily? You must join Contentology: The Ultimate 30 Day Visibility Challenge. Only $97, lifetime access, daily content prompts and in May you could win $1000 cold hard cash!!!!!