There is more and more being demanded of you on a daily basis and you know it. More and more info being thrown at you daily. More and more and more.
Deal with this.
Book this in.
Finish that.
Start this.
Be fun.
Be inspiring.
Be motivating.
Be serious.
Be professional.
Be a badass.
Be conservative.
Don’t piss people off.
Be polarising.
Create more balance.
Hustle harder.
Be on each platform.
Choose one and own it.
It’s a LOT!!!!
I read a stat this afternoon “Burnout is on the rise. 71% of workers experienced burnout at least once in 2020”
Yes. 71%
That. Is. Huge.
I guess for me, what this tells me is that something needs to be done to SIMPLIFY what you’re doing, so that we can actually do the work that we want to do and do it with the people we LOVE to do it with. Without sacrificing ourselves, our wellbeing, our mindset in the process.
There has to be a better way to ‘feed the beast’.
There has to be a better way to market yourself.
There has to be a better way to stand out.
Without having to constantly be feeling like you need to do more, more more more MORE mothertrucking MORE.
I watched a YT video of one of my fave artists today by Gwen Stefani where she shared some behind the scenes of her latest music video “Let Me Reintroduce Myself”. I LOVED it.
You could see that she was bringing back in some of the ‘old’ her and some of the ‘new’ her… but celebrating all who she is. I. FREAKING. LOVED. IT!!!!
That, for me, is a huge part of 2021.
Reinventing the way that I do things.
Reinventing the way that I show up.
Reinventing the way I serve.
And I freaking love this!!!!!
Part of this is to help combat the burnout that I experienced last year. It was intense. On top of The Covid Trauma there were other significant things happen in my life and in the lives of those around me that rocked me.
I actually considered during my time off in Dec/Jan if this is what I want to still be doing.
I considered the options.
I thought about the possibilities.
I took some time out.
And I realised that the thing that I most needed was permission to do things MY way…. Even though I’ve been doing things my way the whole time…
But the 2021 version of ‘My Way’.
For me, burnout this year is not an option.
I don’t want it. I don’t want it for my clients. I don’t want it for you.
Because you deserve more
The solution, the way that I see it, is that as an industry, as a cohort, as a collective of entrepreneurs, clinicians, authors and creatives, we have to get better at using what we have inside of us, naturally, for maximum impact.
Pulling out the things from inside your brain that people need to know about your ‘thing’…
But also the sharing of you. Because that’s what creates connection.
And connection is the thing that most business owners strive for and burn out trying to create…. Because it can feel forced.
I don’t want anything that you do in your marketing or your business or any of your adventures to feel forced.
Feeling forced leads to resentment. This leads to burnout. It leads to feeling disenfranchised. It leads to you thinking that there’s something wrong with you because ‘everyone else out there seems to be able to make this work and why the fork can’t I?”….
No more.
Time for you to decide how you want to do things this year.
With ease.
With flow.
With delight.
With flexibility.
With joy.
And letting go of the need to do things in the way that the hustlers tell you do them.
There’s a time for hustling…. There’s a time for ‘doing more’….
But what if 2021 was the year that you got to do it all the way YOU want?
Nic x
PS. Part of the beauty of what I witnessed in my clients in 2020 was seeing them start to share more of themselves online. Effortlessly. Without trying to sell. Without trying to manipulate their posts into covert sales posts. Simply sharing parts of themselves, their day, their thoughts and their dreams with their audience. It was so lovely to get to know them on a whole different level. BUT the thing that also happened was their businesses grew. Their sales grew naturally. Their referrals grew. Their reach grew. Their enthusiasm grew. Their connection with their audience grew. It was such an honour to watch. If you’d like to be part of THIS KIND OF MAGIC, I invite you to join #contentology. Where I help you to share YOU with your audience… and you both reap the rewards. Find out more and join here: