I have nothing to say.
I have nothing to share .
I don’t have any profound words of wisdom for you.
I don’t know what to say.
I don’t know if I should even be sharing anything.
Ugh. I’m so boring.
^^ Sound familiar?
On the outside looking in, it can seem like myself and probably other people you follow, look like they never have any doubts about what they’re doing. Like they never worry about what they’re going to share or say. Like they don’t have a care in the world. Worrying about stuff like you and me? Pfft. No way.
You know that a lot of this stuff never goes away, right? I mean, we just get better at dealing with it and taking action regardless of how we’re feeling.
You can change how you FEEL in an instant.
Imagine for a second you’re feeling on top of the world and then you get THAT phone call.
Everything can change in an instant.
Imagine for a moment you’re feeling like you’re never going to get anywhere, and then BAM! Seemingly out of the blue, you get a new client or you get invited on a podcast or you receive a surprise cheque in the mail.
Everything can change in instant.
The trouble is that people tend to wait until they FEEL LIKE IT to get out and do the things that they know they need to do.
The problem them with this, is that most of the time, the way you want to feel HAPPENS whilst you’re doing ‘the thing’!!
Take doing a livestream for instance. You know you should do one but then worry about all the reasons why you can’t/won’t/need to put it off.
Just do the thing you know you need to do and MAKE IT HAPPEN!
You’ll always always ALWAYS feel better once it’s done rather than feeling guilty that you didn’t do it.
The good feelings happen during and after you’ve done what you’ve said you would.
So go do it!
Yes. Now 😉
PS. Have you see Unpack Your Genius: Pathway To Millions yet? I am SO excited about it! We start soon: Unpack Your Genius: Pathway To Millions https://join.nicolamoras.com.au/unpack-your-genius Find out more here!!