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Nicola Moras On Struggle

Some of the hardest things I’ve had to do & still do/struggle with

* Leave my abusive ex.

* Sell my first house & move back home with my parents. 

* Move interstate & away from my family to a place Where I knew no one except my husband & his family.

* admit I wanted more than a ‘job’ and I didn’t want to be a ‘stay at home mum’.

* start my business

* help people when I didn’t feel like I had my shit together

* ask for help when I really really needed it

* making the decision to stay married or separate. Chose marriage.

* cook dinner (I don’t enjoy cooking under pressure & find it very stressful!)

* be courageous when all I want to do is curl in a ball & quit.

* help my oldest work through stuff & things.

* feel like I’m a good enough mother, wife, daughter, friend, mentor, client, human.

So… You can see that I most certainly do not and have not always had my shit together!

And this, really, is one of the BIG reason that I can help you.

Because if you’re going through stuff, I GET IT!

If you’re attacked by mummy guilt, I GET IT!

If you feel like you’re not good enough, I’ve been there.

If you feel like you’re failing, I assure you, you’re NOT.

Thanks to Leonie Dawson for the inspo

If you know someone who needs to hear this, please share the love <3


Nicola Moras Big Love