I love playing with words and making them work! I love all of the words as I’m sure you well know!! I’ve heard from a number of people of late that they’ve been struggling with finding the drive, the motivation and the FIRE to get their content, their offers and their ‘stuff’ out there and into the world.
It’s a big problem and if it’s not solved, it seems to get worse and worse. Kind of like buying a gym membership, going the first few days but then not going back… and every day that you don’t go it gets harder and harder and harder and H A R D E R until a years’ gone by and the membership was a big fat waste of money. Which stacks on the guilt and the shame and the annoyance and the irritation.
So what’s a girl to do when you’re feeling like this? Well. The first thing is you’ve got to find:
PASSION. Hot steamy for the love of all things holy I love the shizness out of what I do PASSION so much that if you could marry your business, your content, your ‘stuff’ you would!
I was listening to a Sylvester Stallone interview recently and I loved that the question asked was “How do you stay hungry when you’ve ‘made it’ or you have it all”? He replied that you have find the hunger. He’ll pretend he’s poor or he’ll look for someone who’s doing things ‘better’ than him or who he feels might be encroaching on his territory and he seeks to completely outdo them and protect his patch! “Avengers? Ha! Action? You haven’t seen action” type of stuff!!!!
The way that I see it is this: without passion you’re working a JOB.
Now, for the love of all things I need to be honest with you and tell you something, heart to heart, soul to soul…. I don’t always LOVE THE SHIZZLE out of my business. I’m not always in LOVE with it… and I find that very very very freaking frustrating, to be honest with you.
Why? Because dammit I WANT to be in love with it every single day of every single week of every single month of every single year.
My business gets MORE OF ME than my family get of me at times.’ It honestly gets more of my undivided attention.
I FREAKING LOVE THIS SHIZZLE OUT OF IT…. MOST OF THE TIME. But there are times that I do not.
It’s a bit like a relationship, though. I LOVE my husband all the time, but I have had moments where I haven’t been IN LOVE with him. I told you I’d speak the truth, right?
I always love the shizzle out of my kids… but I don’t always LIKE them.
These are facts in my world. Judge me or not, whatever. I’m not sharing this to try to encourage you to be like me, but rather to demonstrate to you that businesses are like relationships.
They’re intense. They demand a lot of you.
And to expect that you ‘should’ be in love with it all of the time is going to set you up to feel like a failure and I think that’s a bit shit.
What I can tell you is that these periods of feeling out of love with my biz there are things that I will do in order to fall back in love with it… and this is what they are.
I have to come back to passion. Find the things that you are passionate about… and you need to do more of that.
For instance, the thing that I LOVE about what I do is helping people. I love helping. I love the feeling at the end of the day knowing that I have inspired, motivated, kicked someone’s ass into action, helped, supported, encouraged, reminded someone that they fucking rock….
So if I get to the end of the day feeling like I haven’t done that I FEEL kind of, well, honestly… a bit melancholy. I can get a bit down and a bit flat
If I know this to be true, then the thing that I need to do is find people to help on a daily basis. Like ACTIVELY help.
I might reach out to current clients and check in on how they’re doing. I might reach out to previous clients to say hi and to celebrate where they’re at. I’ll do a LIVESTREAM. I’ll create a free training. I’ll deliver a webinar. I’ll say to interviewing someone or being interviewed. I’ll create a new program that I know will help. I’ll put out more offers because I know when someone becomes a client I can have an even bigger impact on them and their results and their mindset and their world.
I find a way to come back to passion. And it’s never about the money for me when I’m in these moments. It’s about feeling like I’m being of service. I also know that in some way shape or form it will come back to me as massive abundance, because that’s the way The Law of Abundance works.
The next thing to know is this:
When you rekindle the spark, PHWOAAAR…. Look the fork out, friends!!!! Shiz is about to get real up in here!!!!
You know when you’re in a relationship and the passion is rekindled and the spark is lit… and then … well… you know the rest. It’s like two powder kegs exploding and you feel unstoppable?
Yep. This is what happens in your business as well. Find the passion and stoke that fire like it’s minus 239480 degrees outside and your life depends on it!!!!!
The power that comes from someone being lit up by passion for what they do is un-ignorable.
You can’t turn away. You can’t ignore them. You can’t pretend that they’re not there.
It’s inescapable.
Passion turns to Power.
THEN… the next most awesome thing that happens is this. You settle into your PURPOSE GROOVE. I know it might seem like an odd way to come around, but roll with me here.
If you truly wholeheartedly believe in what you’re doing, you’ll find a way to tap into the passion that you normally have for what it is that you do. But you’ve got to get out of your own way and make it NOT about the money as the main agenda. Money is the side-effect of you tapping into Passion.
When you step into your power that is fuelled by your passion, look out! You become magnetic….
Then… you’ll find yourself in the FLOW ZONE of PURPOSE.
This is where you are completely surrendered to doing The Work and having fun and creating impact and doing the things that you know you need to do with power and passion. It’s like a figure 8 or the infinity symbol… they all feed into each other.
Business can be hard. Relationships can be hard. Life can be hard.
But you can’t give up.
Sylvester Stallone shared that he was knocked back 1000 times before he got picked up to do Rocky. He believes we haven’t seen the worlds’ best athletes, actors, screenwriters, performers, entertainers, artists, authors… because they all give up too soon.
Don’t give up if it’s something you’re passionate about and you believe in.
Find the passion to carry on and fight another day!
If you don’t LOVE THE SHIZ out of what you do and how you do it, then it’s likely a sign from the Universe that it’s time for you to find the thing that you ARE passionate about.
The thing that keeps me going and kept me going all the times when things have been tough, is that I am passionate about changing lives and helping people. I remind myself in hard days that this is what I’d do even if I never got paid another cent to do it.
Secondly, are you doing things in the WAY that you want to do them? If not, CHANGE IT AND CHANGE IT STAT.
Life’s too short for anything else. And yes, you will find another way and you’ll keep finding another way until you land on the way that you LOVE!!!!
Thirdly… are you doing it with WHO you want?
Same advice as above! You wouldn’t want to live forever with someone you don’t like, would you? Really? Not when there’s passion to be had! You can still fall in and out of love, but if the foundation of LOVING them is there, you’ll find a way back to being IN LOVE if you really want to.
Passion. Power. Purpose.
It’s why you’re here.
It’s what you deserve.
PS. If you LOVE this shizness out of this and you want more ass kicking, love, encouragement, training, support and a posse of badasses who have your back, you can’t go past the Impact Academy! Have you applied yet? It’s not for everyone, and we’ll work together for 12 months!!! SO if you’re a HELL YES NIC I love this shizzness out of you and want to explore working together at this level, then hit reply, message me or reach out any way you can – heck. Send a carrier pigeon if you must!!!! I have a quick message ready for you so we can get the convo started.
Either way, you freaking rock, my friend.