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Perceptions and Choices

Perceptions and Choices

Perceptions are an interesting thing, aren’t they? At the coffee shop this morning, the owner exclaimed “You’re still here” and we discussed how I actually live in Mildura and don’t fly in fly out to coach my clients! Yes, I live here!!! Whatever story it was that she had in her head about it me, it was that I was from ‘out of town’ versus living here. #IWish!

I don’t mean to sound ungrateful for where I live…and maybe I have been shitting on my own nest for a while… I wonder if I should feel bad that I want to move. A comment was made a long while ago on one of my posts by a die-hard local questioning why on earth I’d want to live anywhere else but here.. and well.. it twinged a bit. They talked about the beauty and the oasis that it is and that they didn’t get why I didn’t see that… but here’s the thing…. I don’t want to live here for the rest of my life and I’m kind of done feeling like I should feel guilty about that or that I should play it down. So that’s done with now!

Living in The Country has its pro’s, that’s for sure…. Like always getting parks close to the door of the supermarket and being only 5mins from everywhere. We did discover some beautiful scenery in our own ‘backyard’ this weekend, too, which is a delightful surprise… but all of these can also be seen whilst visiting!!!! It is a beautiful town. It is a lovely environment. And I want to live by the ocean. So, there’s that… The Country also has its cons. Like being in the middle of nowhere. I’m not going to list all of them, but let’s just say that the biggest one is the distinct lack of ocean.

The thing that I really felt like needed to be said and shared today is about settling Don’t settle for good because you’re afraid of great. How often do we settle for things that are well, okay…. Or meh…. Or good…. But not GREAT. Or not really what you WANT?

How often do you make what you want match what someone else wants because you feel like you can’t have what you actually want?

Take moving, for instance.

I could go on my own, which I’m unwilling to do. I could go with the kids, again, unwilling to do that. I could go as a family, which is what I’d be happy to do. I guess, where I’m going with it all, is that are options, but I’m unwilling to do some of them and so, what I want sometimes shifts and morphs with what those around me want…

I know Dom doesn’t want to leave, which I can understand. His family are here and his Mum’s not 100% now and because of a whole bunch of reasons and circumstances, I push down the desire of what I want.

People play down what they want all the time for a myriad of reasons, many of which are plain excuses. You have a choice. YOU ALWAYS have a CHOICE.

Settling for something less than what you’re worth, however, or what you’re capable of feels more like sacrilege. Yes, it’s a choice. But gosh. Kind of like going against Source Will. It will have consequences.

If you’re building a business doing something because you think it’s the next big thing or The Way to Make Money, then you’re likely to come a-gutser. Why?

Because that shit only lasts a certain while. It has finite shelf life.

When you’re doing the stuff, the things, the work that you’re HERE to do, sharing your message, teaching/training/coaching/mentoring/healing/guiding whatever you’re doing from the heart and The Sou, that is timeless and you can’t push that down for too long, because it creates stagnant infestation in the form of discontentment, disconnection and dare I say it…. Depression.

You can’t deny your true nature forever.

You can’t deny what you want forever.

You can’t deny the calling of your soul forever because it fractures what you have.

So, what is it that you’ve denying yourself of?

What is that you really want to do and say and share?

That you hate mediocrity?

That pharma should go suck a big fat one. (A turd, that is).

That sugar isn’t the enemy?

That religion is good or bad or otherwise?

That science is the only thing you can rely on.

That people are inherently good?

What do you feel like you need to say and say loudly?


I feel like, today, I need to say that people need to step it up. That playing it safe is no longer an option in a competitive world where everyone is vying for attention.

That people these days are predominantly waiting for everything to be handed to them on a silver platter and then when the silver platter service doesn’t work, they blame the freaking platter.

That people need to develop a fucking backbone.

And some grit.

And be DELUSIONAL enough to believe that when things aren’t working that they will work out in the end. To be ‘delusional’ enough to believe in a different reality that the muggles believe in.

To be a realist at the times that this is required as well.

Yes, #contradiction

That people need to realise that being an entrepreneur is both hard and easy, good, and bad and hard work that is the most rewarding work you can do and that it does and will pay off.  

That they need to develop grit. And objectivity. And toughness and softness and to be vulnerable while being strong.

That magic pills don’t work because YOU ARE THE FUCKING MAGIC PILL.

That you need to learn to trust yourself and your instincts and layer on the frameworks and the tech that is there to make our lives easier.

That fancy photoshoots are not going to compensate for lack of substance or experience.

That trying to manifest a Million dollars while lying by the pool soaking in your laptop life in Bali ain’t gonna solve your marketing problems if you don’t take the aligned fucking action.

That wishy washy won’t cut it.

That having 10,000 fans means jack shit.

That tv appearances mean jack shit if you don’t have the stuff to back it up.

That nobody is going to save you except that person looking at you every day in the mirror.

That most people on the ‘Best Sellers List’ bought 1000 copies of their OWN BOOKS to make it onto that list. Or they sold them for FREE or for $1.

That the internet marketing industry is rife with BS and it makes it freaking hard for YOU, the consumer, to know who to freaking trust so you must be careful about who you listen to and let into your world.

That THIS GIG is the best, most rewarding choice you can ever make if it’s aligned.  

That marketing from the heart and soul makes you FEEL ALIVE.

That doing the work you’re put on earth to do is always the choice that pays dividends.

That FEELING, the knowing, that you’re consciously saying and thinking “This is what I’m here to do in THIS moment’ is amazing… and it can also change the way yo9u ‘do’ the work

That the people who are selling The Funnel or the The Book or The Ads or The Formula are all selling you on the idea that success doesn’t come from within YOU.

That the ‘key’ or the secret is about creating a beautiful mixed melting pot of all the things rather than relying (or hoping or praying) that one tactic, one funnel, one hack is going to save your ass or somehow magically make you successful.


I need to say to you today that you DON’T HAVE TO SETTLE for less than you think you’re worth.

That sometimes, however, you’ll need to do some stuff for free, but it can be ON YOUR TERMS – particularly if you’re starting out.

That spending (investing) some time in getting your foundations right (even if that time invested spans 6 months) is not a bad thing – and 10 years ago it would have taken you 2 years!!!!

Don’t settle for selling something that doesn’t feel aligned.

It’s ok to change your mind.  


That unless you take action nothing is going to change.

That you will be called to take a leap of freaking faith on the daily.

That you will love the heck out of this overall. Some days you’ll hate it, but you’ll do it anyway because there’s no way that you cannot do The Work You’re Here To Do.


When I was at Westpac, I remember saying to my husband that I loved what I was doing and felt like THIS is why I was put on earth.


Not to service / sell loans. Not to cross sell. Not that…but to connect with and inspire people. To making things simple. To make things doable. Or not. With no BS straight talk, down the line.

Until that vehicle ran out of its use. The engine ceased and I needed a new vehicle, which is where this was born. I had a ‘weekend vehicle’ that I had started years earlier as well, mind you, that also served to connect and inspire others

Sometimes the vehicle needs to be retired and upgraded and have a new vehicle that will take you where you need to go.

Your purpose in this moment is to WORK THAT.

So… what’s it going to be?

Marketing from the heart and the sou, sharing what needs to be shared daily?

Committing daily and saying needs to be said, so you can connect and inspire your people?

As I said, the best way I’ve done this and my clients who gritty, resilience, still in it and committed to living THEIR dreams, do it first and foremost with a framework and then layer themselves daily through that.

No, it’s not a magic pill….

But when you use it, magic DOES get created, because nobody else can create what you can when you do it from the heart and the soul.

Your Hot Coal Clients will see this and recognise it within you.

Here’s how we do it:

You may CHOOSE to come along to my VISIBLE LIVE : Market Yourself Like A Rockstar immersion. It is not a seminar. It is not a magic pill. You will be doing work in the room. It will change your life, your business and your marketing forever.

I know exactly what it’s like to doubt yourself at times. We’re all human and it happens. 

I know what it’s like to sometimes to catch a glimpse of other people who are doing similar things to you and you think “oh fuck. How can I even begin to get to where I want to be when there are so many people similar”… 

Let me tell you this: 

There are songs played on the radio every minute of every day. 

There are ALWAYS new songs being released. 

Sometimes some artists sound similar, but that doesn’t stop the airtime. 

Most of the time though, there are different tones, different sounds, different connectivity points and different resonance that happens with each song that you hear….

And this is the exact same thing for YOU and for YOUR INDUSTRY. 

We are going to eliminate and eradicate any and all noise of anything else that’s going on ‘out there’ and we are going to get you firing on all cylinders. 

Are you ready? 

I am SO ready to do this with. 

I can feel the bloody coursing through my veins as I type this! The adrenaline is firing, and I wish these were happening tomorrow I’m that excited. 

Get in on this RIGHT NOW as there are only 15 seats available for each event. 

This means you’re going to get LOADS of attention. 

You’re going to get loads of support. 

We’re going to be so freaking connected as a group that you’ll feel like everyone in the room are your back up dancers #BritneyStyles 

Yeah baby. 

It’s going to be epic. 

Come on. Let’s do it. 

First of all, we’re going to meet in the lobby of the hotel and I am going to take you through to where you are going to be completely looked after for the next two days.

Not only that, but it’s also going to be in the most glorious room that you’ll have had the pleasure of being in for the duration of our time together.

When we finish up, we’ll all adjourn to our own accommodation and you’ll have the pleasure of entertaining yourself and doing your homework! Yes, there’ll be homework!!!!!

Bottom line, this is going to be totally BADASS interlaced with LUXURY AND HELLS YES EPIC EXPANSION.


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live' 


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live'