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Play your hit song!

Play your hit song!

HELLO have you missed me?!? Lol!!  No? ok. Yes? Ok!


It’s been a weird ole time, don’t you think? One minute it’s June and then I blink my eyes and it’s the end of September!!! Time is such a trickster. I’ve been away this week running an event on the Gold Coast – my infamous Hot Seat – which I love and adore running. I would ‘normally’ run 3-4 a year, so I feel accomplished and proud that I’ve run two this year! #Winning!


I decided to run Hot Seats as a regular offering in 2015 after being an attendee at one and seeing the power of having just 2 whole days to focus on whatever it was that happening at the time. For me, back then, I had a billion and one things going on and I knew that with some dedicated time to focus on working ON things rather than the running of the business, I would get a whole heap of strategy work done.


And I did.


That means I’ve been running them for 9 YEARS!!! Woah. Time, you trickster! You’ve clipped us over the side of the head again. Wow.


One of the conversations I have with people is that they:

  • Get bored talking about the same things over and over again
  • Worry that people are going to be bored hearing the same things over and over again.


 Look. You may get bored with what you’re talking about in your marketing and with the content you’re creating, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. It does indicate that you’re being consistent!!! It does indicate that you know your content and your audience like the back of your hand.


The things that are boring to you, aren’t necessarily boring to your prospective clients.


What do I mean by that? I talk about visibility ALL. THE. TIME in various ways! I talk about content, messaging, confidence and showing up as yourself. Sometimes I get bored of it, because I wonder “haven’t you heard me say this eleventy nine thousand times?”…




But also, maybe you needed to hear the same thing 99 times, slightly different ways, before you decided to do something about it.


There is POWER in consistency.

There is POWER in structure.


There is POWER in repetition.


I get told a lot that people tend to leave my events with: Clarity and Motivation to implement, which is actually the  biggest gift to me.


Someone doesn’t come along to a hotseat or an event of mine (or into coaching for that matter) because they want to learn how to ‘do something tactical’. It might form part of why they might buy from me, but it’s about more than just that thing.


If you just wanted to learn how to do a Facebook ad, there’s a ton of videos online on how to do it. Want to build a funnel? Google it! If you want to make a million dollars, there’s guides and books and videos and all sorts available to help you.


People want tailoring and they want to know that you care about them.


How do you demonstrate care online?


You show up and you solve problems for them. You keep showing up, almost hitting them over the head with service, for them to see that you care about people like them.

That you care about their problems. That you care about their goals, their dreams, their desires and the things that they’re trying to achieve.


Trust is built through someone seeing that you’re consistent.


Which may well mean that you become bored with repeating similar things.


But how you feel about the repetition doesn’t matter! You need to do it for the people – your prospective clients – so they can learn to get to know you, to trust you and like you.


McDonalds have been selling the same things for decades.

Louis Vuitton have been selling the same items for decades.

“The Killers” have been singing their hits for years!

Taylor Swift has been singing new songs and her hits for years.


You know the brands and you know the bands.


You know what they stand for.


They have been consistent with who they are and what they stand for.


Their marketing gets rejigged and rebranded now and then … but we know what we’re getting with them.


The bottom line is this: you need to be consistent with your content marketing.


There are ALWAYS new eyeballs on your ‘stuff’ who need to learn who and how you are.


There will be people who already know you who are unconsciously waiting for you to say THAT THING they need to hear to take action of some kind.


Consistency wins.


Nobody cares if you’re bored. Try mixing things up and reprogram your brain to believe that CONSISTENCY is where it’s at!!


And before you know it, 2 years, 5 years, FOURTEEN years whizzes by in the blink of an eye and you’re still talking about the same things 😉


X You’ve got this


Nic x


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live' 


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live'