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Polarisation. What is it and what the hell am I talking about? Well. You know what it’s like when you first start in business. You KNOW that you can help everyone. You know your STUFF works, right? You know that it’s going to transform people’s lives and enhance their lives.

So….what’s polarisation all about? ….. Well. Here it is in action.

I was chatting with a colleague today, who is doing wonderful things in her business. She happened to be chatting with another lady, who was an ex-client of mine. So. When this ex-client discovered that I was working with said lady…she proceeded to call me a ‘bimbo’ and say that I was not a serious business person!

Well. For those of you who know me, even a little, know that I like to have fun, right? Of course I do!!! However. I also know that I have what it takes to build a business. I also know that my stuff works. Sometimes…just sometimes…we come across people who don’t have what it takes.

So…enough about that.


I actually was so incredibly happy to hear that, by being me, I’d actually managed to piss someone off!!! In fact. I found it HILARIOUS!!!! I was happy that someone didn’t like me!!!! Sounds insane, I know!

However. The benefit of this, is that those ladies who do like me and what I have to offer, are fiercly loyal!!! The know who I am and what my values are. They know how hard I work. And that I deserve the rewards.

Bottom line. Polarisation is about being the person that you need to be for your market. AS WELL AS fitting in with what makes you YOU…and makes your soul sing.

Love/Hate. Some will love you and shout your names from the rooftops. Those that don’t love you can nick off!!! We don’t want them anyway.

I’d love to hear your take on this. What’s your thoughts and feelings around polarisation?

Leave your comments below. I’d love love love to hear from you. (especially if you don’t agree!!!!!!)


N xoxooxx