When building a house, you make sure you have the right tools for the job – and the right people for the job! You would have your tool belt strapped on, your steel caps and your hammer. In business these days, social media is the ‘IT TOOL’ of growth.
One of the big issues that businesses face, however, is that social media management and content creation can take time. Time that many don’t have. Add to the mix the desire for a return on investment. Smart business owners only invest in things that will help them either increase revenue or increase efficiency – therefore increasing revenue or profitability.
We’ve seen a huge explosion in businesses launching and extending their presence online in a bid to remain in business thanks to Covid. With 93% of businesses being active on Facebook alone, you must use social media to grow your business. According to data released by Statista global, online traffic is up by more than 10% with online transactions increasing by 32.9 percent. That’s a huge increase that you can leverage.
For entrepreneurs, business owners and even side hustlers, these five ways will ensure that your business will be visible online and generate a return.
Step 1. Be real – Feel the fear and do it anyway
Most people think they have to be ‘perfect’ or ‘professional’ on social media. Please, stop this right now. One of the best things that you can ever do on social media is to be seen as being a real human.
It can feel scary showing your face, but your audience is craving it. There is so much BS online, that it’s hard for people to sort the chaff from the clay. By showing up as you, by sharing your face, you are helping your audience to get to know you.
Step 2. Who are your hot coal clients?
These people are your niche. Who do you want to work with and who do you want to buy from you? For instance, you might want to work with people who you like! People who are similar to you. You might have started a side hustle making candles that you love to burn, and your hot coal clients may be similar to you.
Think about this in an ideal world. Who are they? What do they really want in their worlds and what are their challenges to getting that? When you get laser focussed on this, it makes the next step much easier.
Step 3. Content creation that cuts through
Content marketing is made up of everything else that you share online. This is the content that helps people to get to know you, like you and trust you. This is how you help your audience to see that you are likeable and relatable without pushing what you’re selling. You’re helping your audience get to know you.
Think about your audience and what motivates and inspire them. You will share content (photos, videos, livestreams and text-only posts) that do this for them. Share hints, tips, and general advice to help move them forward.
You will be surprised and delighted at the interaction you get when you start sharing this type of content. People love it because it doesn’t feel like you’re always trying to get them to buy something.
Step 4. Repurpose and reuse as much as possible
Let’s be honest. Most of the business owners – no matter the size – are pressed for time. The luxury of spending all day every day creating content is something most just don’t have.
When you create your content (from step 3) aim to use it in 10 different ways and or in different places.
For instance, one LIVESTREAM on Facebook can be transcribed and used as a written post. You could then ‘chop up’ that content and use it as shorter posts. You can use the audio as a podcast and share it.
Step 5. Automate what you can
The hero of the day is social media automation. Subscribe to a platform that allows you to upload the content and then schedule it for re-use. You can dictate how often your posts get re-used and on what platforms.
This makes light work of all that heavy lifting you’ve just done with your content creation.
I’ve been doing these exact things for the past decade and the thing that people always say, is around how consistent I am.
Consistency builds trust.
Trust builds familiarity.
I want to get to know you and I want you to get to know me! By being consistent, this works for both of us.
If you want help with this, then jump into the free video training I’m running right now. If you want more personalised help, check out the work with me page on my website at: www.nicolamoras.com.au