Even though the stats are against you…
I know that you have what it takes.
Even though ‘they’ think and say you’re crazy for trying…
You are doing it anyway (BTW, you ARE crazy!!!! But, then again, all of us in this game are!).
Even though you may think you’re not creative enough…
Qualified enough…
Loud enough…
Popular enough …
Quiet enough …
Intellectual enough …
Stylish enough …
Photogenic enough …
Inspiring enough …
Motivating enough …
Generous enough …
Cashed up enough …
Pretty enough …
Strong enough …
Muscle enough…
Spiritual enough …
Grounded enough …
Funny enough …
Introverted enough …
Extroverted enough …
Thin enough …
Thick enough …
Driven enough …
Technical enough …
Proud enough …
Hippy enough …
Even despite all of this, you’re giving it a go.
I want to give YOU the best chance of success as I can.
This is why you MUST come to VISIBLE | LIVE in June.
Because you know what?
I want you to know that YOU ARE ENOUGH.
The reason that the statistics exist is that most people a) don’t know how to market themselves in 2021 and beyond way of doing things. And B) They don’t have the stamina.
There’ll be lots of home truths at this event, because well, I believe in no bullshit.
You’ll be required to do the work – if you’re not going to do the work that you learn through here, then shit. Don’t buy it, please for the love of god. Invest your money in something else.
In order to be successful, you really truly need to understand that this is a LONG GAME THING.
It’s not a short term gig. If you’re expecting ONLY short term results, please run for the hills and go and save yourself the time, money and energy that building a business requires.
Most of all though, building a business is the BEST personal development course you’ll ever do.
It will force you to work through your stuff otherwise you get spat out.
It will force you to learn to trust your intuition and your gut, otherwise you get spat out.
It will make you deal with other people and learn how to handle them.
It will make you become the best damn version of you that you can become IF you choose to do that.
It will force your hand in situations where you’ll wonder if you would choose building this over everything and everyone else in your life. Don’t. You can make both work and co-work.
Still, want to build a business that serves you and helps people?
* Plan for success (think: daily actionable tasks, monthly goals, 90 day goals and annual goals). But ALIGNED planning for success.
* Foundations: Getting you strong, right from core so that we’re building everything on a super solid structure that will support your growth from here on up.
* Niching – find the PERFECT ideal client for YOU.
* Content creation for these people
* Getting to know them intimately
* You’ll know exactly how to speak to them and why they need to hear from YOU
* Branding. But Nicola-Style. Not corporate branding styles!
* Business models and the types for online and offline delivery
* Creating results in advance
* Relationship Building. We don’t want to meet someone and have them feel like they need to jump straight into bed with us. Oh hells no! We work up to it 😉
* Leveraging Social Media
This is an investment in your future success in ALL areas of your life.
Love you xx
Jump on here: www.join.nicolamoras.com.au/visible-live