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I remember years ago talking to a gf about some things that I wanted to create. Namely in this conversation is was about creating a new course each month and smashing it out of the park!!!!


I figured that I could do that! This was circa 2016/2017. At that time, I had 6-7 years in this business under my belt and I was looking, yearning and seeking for a way to ‘get out’  of what I was teaching.


I had this pull to do more, be more than a ‘Facebook ads expert’ or a ‘funnel expert’… I wanted to be known as someone who inspired, educated, motivated and kicked your mofo ass into achieving AMAZING results – in life AND in business, of course.


So at this time I was travelling into the USA a lot. I loved it. I felt constantly inspired,creative and motivated and magical things happened on planes!!! I was upgraded on most flights. I was treated wonderfully. I LOVED it! I felt amazing. Never jet lagged.


I was the master manifester. What I said went. I made the money I wanted. I made the impact that I wanted. I got the upgrades that I wanted 95% of the time. I got to work with the clients I wanted to work with. All I wanted was a different ‘vehicle’ – and upgraded vehicle – of doing what I was doing.


I remember one trip I was upgraded to 1st class and that was so much fun! The service. The mattress. 13+ hours of bliss!!!


On THIS particular trip, though, travelling to the USA, I had my laptop out after I’d sashayed into my pj’s as soon as I boarded and got myself comfortable. With my pj’s on, laptop out and ready to get a bit of work done before nodding off to sleep (on the ridiculously comfy bed), my genius visited me! I had courses and subject lines and ideas pouring out of me. I was unplugged in the sense that there was no wifi. So no Facey, no LI, no emails, no notifications.


Just me, my lappy and my first class divinity!


In 2018 on another trip I planned out “Into The Spotlight”, with how I wanted it look (*not the cover), the stories I wanted to tell, how I wanted to write it. The whole thing! I got the whole thing completely nailed. The plan then sat there for 18 months before I started writing it, but that’s a whole other story!!!!!


I created webinars that made thousands. I got so many blogs written.


Bottom line, on each of these long haul trips, I was so much more productive and creative than I had been in a LONG time.


Something that ALWAYS works for me that I sometimes forget is that a change in location can be better than a change in state.


On these flights where I’ve birthed books, programs and events because no connection, no one to jibber jabber with and outside connection. Just the connection with me and god, universe, source, my genius…


It might sound crazy, but unplugged and alone time worked for me.


I’ve got great ideas that have made thousands of dollars while walking on the beach by myself, walking by the river in Perth and in a cafe sitting where I wouldn’t normally.


The big common thing is movement – walking, flying and not sitting at my normal desk where I can get distracted and pulled into the ‘normal’ thinking!


Change your environment.

Change your state.

Anticipate the ‘downloads’ but don’t force it. They’ll always come. (Not the internet ones, of course!!! The ideas, etc, that seemingly come from somewhere else!).


Surrender to it and let it flow.


In “Power Vs Force” Dr D R Hawkins talk about the need to essentially surrender and that that Power (magnetism) is a PULL TOWARDS energy that is more or less effortless and that Force is a PUSHING AWAY energy.


When you try to push things, force things and control things (including inspiration) it tends to push them away.


What do you need to let go of? Control? Force? And how can you shift into a receiving, pull energy, magnetic energy?


Everything you want is on the other side of this. Think about it… when you’re desperate and feeling like you really really need something, it tends to get further away.


In sales, if you’re forcing someone, convincing someone that they ‘should’ buy, you can push them way energetically. Wouldn’t you rather they felt magnetised to spend time with you?


Don’t pussy out on the objection handing, though! Don’t do that! You can be magnetising and people can still be scared to say yes to you!!


Sometimes just changing where you are physically, unplugging from everything and getting yourself into a different way of being can be the exact thing that opens up the portal of inspiration.


It’s all about surrendering to it.


Trusting that it will come through.


Trusting that you’re safe.


Trusting that you’re ok even if it doesn’t come through you. Even though it will.


Looking for the inspiration to hit?


Change your environment

Change your state

Get Moving





Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live' 


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live'